Yan Liu
Yan Liu
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Adaptive-weighted total variation minimization for sparse data toward low-dose x-ray computed tomography image reconstruction
Y Liu, J Ma, Y Fan, Z Liang
Physics in Medicine & Biology 57 (23), 7923, 2012
Variance analysis of x‐ray CT sinograms in the presence of electronic noise background
J Ma, Z Liang, Y Fan, Y Liu, J Huang, W Chen, H Lu
Medical physics 39 (7Part1), 4051-4065, 2012
Total variation-stokes strategy for sparse-view X-ray CT image reconstruction
Y Liu, Z Liang, J Ma, H Lu, K Wang, H Zhang, W Moore
IEEE transactions on medical imaging 33 (3), 749-763, 2013
Statistical image reconstruction for low-dose CT using nonlocal means-based regularization
H Zhang, J Ma, J Wang, Y Liu, H Lu, Z Liang
Computerized Medical Imaging and Graphics 38 (6), 423-435, 2014
Extracting information from previous full-dose CT scan for knowledge-based Bayesian reconstruction of current low-dose CT images
H Zhang, H Han, Z Liang, Y Hu, Y Liu, W Moore, J Ma, H Lu
IEEE transactions on medical imaging 35 (3), 860-870, 2015
Deriving adaptive MRF coefficients from previous normal‐dose CT scan for low‐dose image reconstruction via penalized weighted least‐squares minimization
H Zhang, H Han, J Wang, J Ma, Y Liu, W Moore, Z Liang
Medical physics 41 (4), 041916, 2014
Statistical image reconstruction for low-dose CT using nonlocal means-based regularization. Part II: An adaptive approach
H Zhang, J Ma, J Wang, Y Liu, H Han, H Lu, W Moore, Z Liang
Computerized Medical Imaging and Graphics 43, 26-35, 2015
Apparatus and method for medical image reconstruction using deep learning for computed tomography (CT) image noise and artifacts reduction
J Zhou, Z Yu, Y Liu
US Patent 11,517,197, 2022
Computerized image reconstruction method and apparatus
Z Liang, J Ma, Y Liu
US Patent 9,251,606, 2016
Medical image processing apparatus and medical image processing system
J Zhou, Z Yu, Y Liu
US Patent 10,803,984, 2020
Low-mAs X-ray CT image reconstruction by adaptive-weighted TV-constrained penalized re-weighted least-squares
Y Liu, J Ma, H Zhang, J Wang, Z Liang
Journal of X-ray Science and Technology 22 (4), 437-457, 2014
Variance estimation of X-ray CT sinogram in radon domain
J Ma, Z Liang, Y Fan, Y Liu, J Huang, L Li, W Chen, H Lu
Medical Imaging 2012: Physics of Medical Imaging 8313, 703-710, 2012
Nonlocal means-based regularizations for statistical CT reconstruction
H Zhang, J Ma, Y Liu, H Han, L Li, J Wang, Z Liang
Medical Imaging 2014: Physics of Medical Imaging 9033, 922-929, 2014
A study on CT sinogram statistical distribution by information divergence theory
J Ma, Z Liang, Y Fan, Y Liu, J Huang, H Lu, W Chen
2011 IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium Conference Record, 3191-3196, 2011
Method and apparatus for computed tomography (CT) and material decomposition with pile-up correction calibrated using real pulse pileup effect and detector response
J Zhou, Z Yu, Y Liu
US Patent 10,869,646, 2020
A comparison study of sinogram-and image-domain penalized re-weighted least-squares approaches to noise reduction for low-dose cone-beam CT
H Zhang, Y Liu, H Han, J Wang, J Ma, L Li, Z Liang
Medical Imaging 2013: Physics of Medical Imaging 8668, 917-924, 2013
Adaptive nonlocal means-based regularization for statistical image reconstruction of low-dose X-ray CT
H Zhang, J Ma, J Wang, Y Liu, H Han, L Li, W Moore, Z Liang
Medical Imaging 2015: Physics of Medical Imaging 9412, 890-895, 2015
An investigation on computed tomography image reconstruction with compressed sensing by 1 l norm prior image constraints
Y Liu, J Ma, Y Fan, Z Liang
2011 IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium Conference Record, 2682-2687, 2011
Improved area-simulating-volume method for 3D X-ray CT re-projection and back-projection operations
Y Liu, Y Fan, H Lu, Z Liang
2013 IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium and Medical Imaging Conference (2013 NSS …, 2013
Low-dose computed tomography image reconstruction from under-sampling data based on weighted total variation minimization
Y Liu, J Ma, Y Fan, Z Liang
Medical Imaging 2012: Physics of Medical Imaging 8313, 1004-1010, 2012
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Articles 1–20