Achyuta Adhvaryu
Achyuta Adhvaryu
Tata Chancellor's Endowed Professor of Economics, UC San Diego School of Global Policy and Strategy
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Cited by
Early life circumstance and adult mental health
A Adhvaryu, J Fenske, A Nyshadham
Journal of Political Economy 127 (4), 1516-1549, 2019
The light and the heat: Productivity co-benefits of energy-saving technology
A Adhvaryu, N Kala, A Nyshadham
Review of Economics and Statistics 102 (4), 779-792, 2020
Management and shocks to worker productivity
A Adhvaryu, N Kala, A Nyshadham
Journal of Political Economy 130 (1), 1-47, 2022
Returns to on-the-job soft skills training
A Adhvaryu, N Kala, A Nyshadham
Journal of Political Economy 131 (8), 2165-2208, 2023
Endowments at Birth and Parents’ Investments in Children
AR Adhvaryu, A Nyshadham
Firing Costs and Flexibility: Evidence from Firms' Employment Responses to Shocks in India
A Adhvaryu, AV Chari, S Sharma
Review of Economics and Statistics, 2010
Helping children catch up: Early life shocks and the progresa experiment
A Adhvaryu, T Molina, A Nyshadham, J Tamayo
The Economic Journal 134 (657), 1-22, 2024
Learning, misallocation, and technology adoption: evidence from new malaria therapy in Tanzania
A Adhvaryu
The Review of economic studies 81 (4), 1331-1365, 2014
Dust and death: evidence from the West African Harmattan
A Adhvaryu, P Bharadwaj, J Fenske, A Nyshadham, R Stanley
National Bureau of Economic Research, 2019
Psychological distress in Ghana: associations with employment and lost productivity
ME Canavan, HL Sipsma, A Adhvaryu, A Ofori-Atta, H Jack, C Udry, ...
International Journal of Mental Health Systems 7, 1-9, 2013
Resources, conflict, and economic development in Africa
A Adhvaryu, JE Fenske, G Khanna, A Nyshadham
National Bureau of Economic Research, 2018
Booms, busts, and household enterprise: Evidence from coffee farmers in Tanzania
A Adhvaryu, N Kala, A Nyshadham
Ann Arbor, MI: University of Michigan, 2013
When it rains it pours: The long-run economic impacts of salt iodization in the United States
A Adhvaryu, S Bednar, T Molina, Q Nguyen, A Nyshadham
Review of Economics and Statistics 102 (2), 395-407, 2020
Returns to Treatment in the Formal Health Care Sector: Evidence from Tanzania
A Adhvaryu, A Nyshadham
No line left behind: Assortative matching inside the firm
A Adhvaryu, V Bassi, A Nyshadham, J Tamayo
Review of Economics and Statistics, 1-45, 2024
Conflict and the formation of political beliefs in Africa
A Adhvaryu, J Fenske
Economic Development and Cultural Change 71 (2), 403-442, 2023
Protecting infants from natural disasters: The case of vitamin A supplementation and a tornado in Bangladesh
S Gunnsteinsson, T Molina, A Adhvaryu, P Christian, A Labrique, ...
Journal of Development Economics 158, 102914, 2022
Health, Enterprise, and Labor Complementarity in the Household
AR Adhvaryu, A Nyshadham
Schooling, Child Labor, and the Returns to Healthcare in Tanzania
AR Adhvaryu, A Nyshadham
Journal of Human Resources 47 (2), 364-396, 2012
Expectations, wage hikes, and worker voice: Evidence from a field experiment
A Adhvaryu, T Molina, A Nyshadham
National Bureau of Economic Research, 2019
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Articles 1–20