Haiguang Li
Haiguang Li
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Cited by
K-means clustering with bagging and MapReduce
H Li, GQ Wu, XG Hu, J Zhang, L Li, X Wu
System Sciences (HICSS), 2011 44th Hawaii International Conference on, 1-8, 2011
MReC4. 5: C4. 5 ensemble classification with MapReduce
G Wu, H Li, X Hu, Y Bi, J Zhang, X Wu
2009 fourth ChinaGrid annual conference, 249-255, 2009
Group feature selection with feature streams
H Li, X Wu, Z Li, W Ding
Data Mining (ICDM), 2013 IEEE 13th International Conference on, 1109 - 1114, 2013
A relation extraction method of Chinese named entities based on location and semantic features
H Li, X Wu, Z Li, G Wu
Applied Intelligence 38 (1), 1-15, 2013
A relation extraction method of Chinese named entities based on location and semantic features
H Li, GQ Wu, XG Hu, X Wu, YJ Bi, PP Li
Granular Computing, 2009, GRC'09. IEEE International Conference on, 334-339, 2009
A 2-tier clustering algorithm with MapReduce
J Zhang, G Wu, H Li, X Hu, X Wu
ChinaGrid Conference (ChinaGrid), 2010 Fifth Annual, 160-166, 2010
Online Group Feature Selection from Feature Streams
H Li, X Wu, Z Li, W Ding
Twenty-Seventh AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence, 1627-1628, 2013
A real-time transportation prediction system
H Li, Z Li, R White, X Wu
Advanced Research in Applied Artificial Intelligence Lecture Notes in …, 2012
Online Learning with Mobile Sensor Data for User Recognition
H Li, X Wu, Z Li
The 29th Symposium On Applied Computing, 64 -- 70, 2014
Web news extraction based on path pattern mining
GQ Wu, X Wu, XG Hu, H Li, Y Liu, RG Xu
Fuzzy Systems and Knowledge Discovery, 2009. FSKD'09. Sixth International …, 2009
Method and apparatus for video sequential alignment
HW A Kappeler, H Li, M Iliadis
US Patent 9,225,879, 201
Soli-enabled noncontact heart rate detection for sleep and meditation tracking
L Xu, J Lien, H Li, N Gillian, R Nongpiur, J Li, Q Zhang, J Cui, ...
Scientific Reports 13 (1), 18008, 2023
Learning the Information Diffusion Probabilities by Using Variance Regularized EM Algorithm.
H Li, T Cao, Z Li
Advances in Social Networks Analysis and Mining (ASONAM), 2014 IEEE/ACM …, 2014
Dynamic Switch Layers For Unsupervised Learning
H Li, U Pervaiz, M Matuszak, R Kamara, G Roux, T Thormundsson, ...
arXiv preprint arXiv:2404.04405, 2024
Enhancing User Experience in On-Device Machine Learning with Gated Compression Layers
H Li, U Pervaiz, J Antognini, M Matuszak, L Au, G Roux, T Thormundsson, 2024
Gated Compression Layers for Efficient Always-On Models
H Li, T Thormundsson, I Poupyrev, N Gillian
arXiv preprint arXiv:2303.08970, 2023
Online Learning with Streaming Feature Selection
H Li
University of Vermont, 2014
基于 Web 的频繁分子结构挖掘系统
徐仁干, 吴共庆, 李海光, 胡学钢, 吴信东
全国第 21 届计算机技术与应用学术会议 (CACIS· 2010) 暨全国第 2 届安全关键技术 …, 2010
A Relation Extraction Method of Chinese Named Entities Based on Location and Semantic
H Li, X Wu
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Articles 1–19