Yury Bykov
Yury Bykov
Insitute of Applied Physics Russian academy of sciencies
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On the mechanism of microwave flash sintering of ceramics
YV Bykov, SV Egorov, AG Eremeev, VV Kholoptsev, IV Plotnikov, ...
Materials 9 (8), 684, 2016
Flash Microwave Sintering of Transparent Yb:(LaY)2O3 Ceramics
YV Bykov, SV Egorov, AG Eremeev, VV Kholoptsev, KI Rybakov, ...
Journal of the American Ceramic Society 98 (11), 3518-3524, 2015
Microwave sintering of Yb: YAG transparent laser ceramics
L Esposito, A Piancastelli, Y Bykov, S Egorov, A Eremeev
Optical Materials 35 (4), 761-765, 2013
Ultra‐rapid microwave sintering of pure and Y2O3‐doped MgAl2O4
YV Bykov, SV Egorov, AG Eremeev, VV Kholoptsev, IV Plotnikov, ...
Journal of the American Ceramic Society 102 (2), 559-568, 2019
Experimental study of the non-thermal effect in microwave sintering of piezoceramics
Y Bykov, A Eremeev, V Holoptsev
MRS Online Proceedings Library (OPL) 347, 585, 1994
Fabrication of transparent ceramics by millimeter‐wave sintering
Y Bykov, S Egorov, A Eremeev
physica status solidi c 10 (6), 945-951, 2013
Microwave Processing of Materials IV
Y Bykov, A Eremeev, V Holoptsev
Mater. Res. Soc. Proc. 347, 585-590, 1994
Influence of specific absorbed microwave power on activation energy of densification in ceramic materials
Y Bykov, A Eremeev, V Holoptsev
MRS Online Proceedings Library 430 (1), 385-390, 1996
Ultra-rapid microwave sintering of ceramics and powder metals
KI Rybakov, Y Bykov, A Eremeev, S Egorov, V Kholoptsev, I Plotnikov, ...
High temperature processing of materials using millimeter-wave radiation
YV Bykov, AG Eremeev, VV Holoptsev, KI Rybakov, VE Semenov
Third International Kharkov Symposium'Physics and Engineering of Millimeter …, 1998
45 GHz/20 kW gyrotron-based system for ECR ion source
GG Denisov, YV Bykov, MY Glyavin, AI Tsvetkov, AG Eremeev, ...
2016 IEEE International Conference on Plasma Science (ICOPS), 1-1, 2016
Millimeter-wave sintering of bulk Al2O3 - Ni functionally graded materials
YV Bykov, SV Egorov, AG Eremeev, VV Kholoptsev, IV Plotnikov, ...
14th International Conference on Microwave and High Frequency Heating …, 2013
Creep of alumina-based ceramics under microwave heating
AG Eremeev, YV Bykov, SV Egorov, IV Plotnikov, AA Sorokin, ...
Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Microwave and High …, 2009
Comparative study of Si {sub 3} N {sub 4}-based ceramics sintering at frequencies 30 and 83GHz
Y Bykov, A Eremeev, V Holoptsev
Materials Research Society, Pittsburgh, PA (United States), 1996
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Articles 1–14