Burcu Tunga
Cited by
Cited by
The influence of the support functions on the quality of enhanced multivariance product representation
B Tunga, M Demiralp
Journal of mathematical chemistry 48, 827-840, 2010
Constancy maximization based weight optimization in high dimensional model representation
B Tunga, M Demiralp
Numerical Algorithms 52, 435-459, 2009
A probabilistic evolution approach trilogy, part 3: temporal variation of state variable expectation values from Liouville equation perspective
M Demiralp, B Tunga
Journal of Mathematical Chemistry 51, 1198-1210, 2013
Hybrid high dimensional model representation approximants and their utilization in applications
B Tunga, M Demiralp
Mathematical Research 9, 438-446, 2003
Digital image decomposition and contrast enhancement using high-dimensional model representation
B Tunga, A Koçanaoğulları
Signal, Image and Video Processing 12, 299-306, 2018
Fluctuationlessness approximation based multivariate integration in hybrid high dimensional model representation
B Tunga, M Demiralp
AIP Conference Proceedings 1048 (1), 562-565, 2008
A novel hybrid high-dimensional model representation (HDMR) based on the combination of plain and logarithmic high-dimensional model representations
B Tunga, M Demiralp
Advances in Numerical Methods, 101-111, 2009
A novel method for multispectral image pansharpening based on high dimensional model representation
EK Özay, B Tunga
Expert Systems with Applications 170, 114512, 2021
A novel piecewise multivariate function approximation method via universal matrix representation
S Tuna, B Tunga
Journal of Mathematical Chemistry 51, 1784-1801, 2013
Fluctuation free matrix representation based univariate integration in hybrid high dimensional model representation (HHDMR) over plain and factorized HDMR
S Tuna, B Tunga, NA Baykara, M Demiralp
WSEAS Transactions on Mathematics 8 (5), 225-230, 2009
Logarithmic high dimensional model representation in image processing
B Tunga
AIP Conference Proceedings 1637 (1), 1120-1126, 2014
An iterative scheme for enhanced multivariance product representation method
B Tunga, M Demiralp
Proceedings for the 1st IEEEAM Conference on Applied Computer Science (ACS …, 2010
An efficient feature extraction approach for hyperspectral images using Wavelet High Dimensional Model Representation
S Tuna, E Korkmaz Özay, B Tunga, E Gürvit, MA Tunga
International Journal of Remote Sensing 43 (19-24), 6899-6920, 2022
Probabilistic evolutions in classical dynamics: Conicalization and block triangularization of Lennard-Jones systems
B Tunga, M Demiralp
AIP Conference Proceedings 1479 (1), 1986-1989, 2012
Optimally controlled dynamics of one dimensional harmonic oscillator: Linear dipole function and quadratic penalty
B Tunga, M Demiralp
Applied Numerical Analysis & Computational Mathematics 1 (1), 242-250, 2004
Support function influences on the univariance of the enhanced multivariance product representation
B Tunga, M Demiralp
AIP Conference Proceedings 1504 (1), 796-799, 2012
Probabilistic Evolution of the State Variable Expected Values in Liouville Equation Perspective, for a Many Particle System Interacting Via Elastic Forces
B Tunga, M Demiralp
Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Computational and …, 2012
hybrid HDMR approximants and their utilization in applications
B Tunga, M Demiralp
The Fourth International Conference on Tools for Mathematical Modeling, 23-28, 2003
Constancy maximization based weight optimization in high dimensional model representation for multivariate functions
B Tunga, M Demiralp
Journal of mathematical chemistry 49, 1996-2012, 2011
Fluctuation free multivariate integration based logarithmic HDMR in multivariate function representation
B Tunga, M Demiralp
Journal of mathematical chemistry 49, 894-909, 2011
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Articles 1–20