Kirsten Elger
Kirsten Elger
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Cited by
Deformation of the central Andean upper plate system—Facts, fiction, and constraints for plateau models
O Oncken, D Hindle, J Kley, K Elger, P Victor, K Schemmann
The Andes: Active Subduction Orogeny, 3-27, 2006
ICGEM–15 years of successful collection and distribution of global gravitational models, associated services, and future plans
ES Ince, F Barthelmes, S Reißland, K Elger, C Förste, F Flechtner, ...
Earth system science data 11 (2), 647-674, 2019
Plateau‐style accumulation of deformation: Southern Altiplano
K Elger, O Oncken, J Glodny
Tectonics 24 (4), 2005
The new database of the Global Terrestrial Network for Permafrost (GTN-P)
BK Biskaborn, JP Lanckman, H Lantuit, K Elger, DA Streletskiy, WL Cable, ...
Earth System Science Data 7 (2), 245-259, 2015
ASCAT Surface State Flag (SSF): Extracting information on surface freeze/thaw conditions from backscatter data using an empirical threshold-analysis algorithm
V Naeimi, C Paulik, A Bartsch, W Wagner, R Kidd, SE Park, K Elger, ...
IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing 50 (7), 2566-2582, 2012
Geomagnetic kp index
J Matzka, O Bronkalla, K Tornow, K Elger, C Stolle
GFZ German Research Centre for Geosciences 11, 2021
Utilizing the international geo sample number concept in continental scientific drilling during ICDP expedition COSC-1
R Conze, H Lorenz, D Ulbricht, K Elger, T Gorgas
Data Science Journal 16 (1), 1-8, 2017
Advancing FAIR data in Earth, space, and environmental science
S Stall, LR Yarmey, R Boehm, H Cousijn, P Cruse, J Cutcher-Gershenfeld, ...
Eos, Earth and Space Science News 99, 2018
Geomagnetic Kp index. v. 1.0. GFZ data services
J Matzka, O Bronkalla, K Tornow, K Elger, C Stolle
Space Weather, 2021
Open access to regional geoid models: the International Service for the Geoid
M Reguzzoni, D Carrion, CI De Gaetani, A Albertella, L Rossi, G Sona, ...
Earth System Science Data 13 (4), 1653-1666, 2021
Chukchi Sea, Southern Ocean, Kara Sea: the polar voyages of Captain Eduard Dallmann, whaler, trader, explorer 1830–96
W Barr, R Krause, PM Pawlik
Polar Record 40 (1), 1-18, 2004
Towards globally unique identification of physical samples: Governance and technical implementation of the IGSN global sample number
J Klump, K Lehnert, D Ulbricht, A Devaraju, K Elger, D Fleischer, ...
Data Science Journal 20 (1), 1-16, 2021
Open research data, data portals and data publication–an introduction to the data curation landscape
K Elger, BK Biskaborn, H Pampel, H Lantuit
Polarforschung 85 (2), 119-133, 2016
Analysis of deformation and tectonic history of the Southern Altiplano Plateau (Bolivia) and their importance for plateau formation
K Elger
Deutsches GeoForschungsZentrum GFZ Potsdam, 2003
Quality-assurance of heat-flow data: The new structure and evaluation scheme of the IHFC Global Heat Flow Database
S Fuchs, B Norden, F Neumann, N Kaul, A Tanaka, IT Kukkonen, ...
Tectonophysics 863, 229976, 2023
Re3data–Indexing the global research data repository landscape since 2012
H Pampel, NL Weisweiler, D Strecker, M Witt, P Vierkant, K Elger, ...
Scientific data 10 (1), 571, 2023
Circumpolar surface soil moisture and freeze/thaw surface status remote sensing products (version 4) with links to geotiff images and NetCDF files (2007-01 to 2013-12)
C Paulik, T Melzer, S Hahn, A Bartsch, B Heim, K Elger, W Wagner
(No Title), 2014
Deformation of the central Andean upper plate system-Facts, fiction, and constraints for plateau models (2006) The Andes-Active Subduction Orogeny
O Oncken, D Hindle, J Kley, K Elger, P Victor, K Schemmann
edited by O. Oncken et al., Springer, Berlin, doi 10, 978-3, 0
Community recommendations for geochemical data, services and analytical capabilities in the 21st century
M Klöcking, L Wyborn, KA Lehnert, B Ware, AM Prent, L Profeta, ...
Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 351, 192-205, 2023
ORCID DE–Förderung der Open Researcher and Contributor ID in Deutschland
R Bertelmann, E Niggemann, D Pieper, K Elger, M Fenner, S Hartmann, ...
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Articles 1–20