Weihua Su
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Cited by
Nonlinear aeroelasticity of a very flexible blended-wing-body aircraft
W Su, CES Cesnik
Journal of Aircraft 47 (5), 1539-1553, 2010
Nonlinear aero-elasticity of a very flexible blended-wing-body aircraft
W Su, CES Cesnik
50th A1AA/ASCE/AHS/ASC Structure, Structural Dynamics, and Materials …, 2009
Dynamic response of highly flexible flying wings
W Su, CES Cesnik
Proceedings of the 47th AIAA/ASME/ASCE/AHS/ASC Structures, Structural …, 2006
Dynamic response of highly flexible flying wings
W Su, CES Cesnik
AIAA Journal 49 (2), 324-339, 2011
Strain-based geometrically nonlinear beam formulation for modeling very flexible aircraft
W Su, CES Cesnik
International Journal of Solids and Structures 48 (16-17), 2349-2360, 2011
X-HALE: A Very Flexible Unmanned Aerial Vehicle for Nonlinear Aeroelastic Tests
CES Cesnik, PJ Senatore, W Su, EM Atkins, CM Shearer
AIAA Journal 50 (12), 2820-2833, 2012
Nonlinear aeroelastic modeling and analysis of fully flexible aircraft
CES Cesnik, W Su
Paper No. AIAA-2005-2169, Proceedings of the 46th AIAA/ASME/ASCE/AHS/ASC …, 2005
Flutter suppression for highly flexible wings using passive and active piezoelectric effects
N Tsushima, W Su
Aerospace Science and Technology 65, 78-89, 2017
Geometrically nonlinear static aeroelastic analysis of composite morphing wing with corrugated structures
N Tsushima, T Yokozeki, W Su, H Arizono
Aerospace Science and Technology 88, 244-257, 2019
Coupled nonlinear aeroelasticity and flight dynamics of fully flexible aircraft
W Su
University of Michigan, 2008
A study on adaptive vibration control and energy conversion of highly flexible multifunctional wings
N Tsushima, W Su
Aerospace Science and Technology 79, 297-309, 2018
Nonlinear aeroelastic simulation of X-HALE: a very flexible UAV
CES Cesnik, W Su
49th AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting including the New Horizons Forum and …, 2011
Strain-Based Analysis for Geometrically Nonlinear Beams: A Modal Approach
W Su, CES Cesnik
Journal of Aircraft 51 (3), 890-903, 2014
X-HALE: A very flexible UAV for nonlinear aeroelastic tests
C Cesnik, P Senatore, W Su, E Atkins, C Shearer, N Pitchter
51st AIAA/ASME/ASCE/AHS/ASC Structures, Structural Dynamics, and Materials …, 2010
Smooth-switching LPV control for vibration suppression of a flexible airplane wing
T He, GG Zhu, SSM Swei, W Su
Aerospace Science and Technology 84, 895-903, 2019
Flight dynamic stability of a flapping wing micro air vehicle in hover
W Su, CES Cesnik
AIAA Structures, Structural Dynamics, and Materials Conference, 2011-2009, 2011
Modeling of highly flexible multifunctional wings for energy harvesting
N Tsushima, W Su
Journal of Aircraft 53 (4), 1033-1044, 2016
LPV modeling of a flexible wing aircraft using modal alignment and adaptive gridding methods
AK Al-Jiboory, G Zhu, SSM Swei, W Su, NT Nguyen
Aerospace Science and Technology 66, 92-102, 2017
Concurrent active piezoelectric control and energy harvesting of highly flexible multifunctional wings
N Tsushima, W Su
Journal of Aircraft 54 (2), 724-736, 2017
Application of ICC LPV control to a blended-wing-body airplane with guaranteed H∞ performance
T He, AK Al-Jiboory, GG Zhu, SSM Swei, W Su
Aerospace Science and Technology 81, 88-98, 2018
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Articles 1–20