Husni A. Al-Muhtaseb
Husni A. Al-Muhtaseb
Other namesHusni Al-Muhtasab
Assistant Professor of Information and Computer Science, King Fahd University of Petroleum and
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Cited by
Offline handwritten Arabic cursive text recognition using Hidden Markov Models and re-ranking
JH AlKhateeb, J Ren, J Jiang, H Al-Muhtaseb
Pattern Recognition Letters 32 (8), 1081-1088, 2011
Recognition of off-line printed Arabic text using Hidden Markov Models
HA Al-Muhtaseb, SA Mahmoud, RS Qahwaji
Signal processing 88 (12), 2902-2912, 2008
Statistical methods for automatic diacritization of Arabic text
M Elshafei, H Al-Muhtaseb, M Alghamdi
The Saudi 18th National Computer Conference. Riyadh 18, 301-306, 2006
Techniques for high quality Arabic speech synthesis
M Elshafei, H Al-Muhtaseb, M Al-Ghamdi
Information sciences 140 (3-4), 255-267, 2002
Arabic broadcast news transcription system
M Alghamdi, M Elshafei, H Al-Muhtaseb
International Journal of Speech Technology 10, 183-195, 2007
Machine Generation of Arabic Diacritical Marks.
M Elshafei, H Al-Muhtaseb, M Al-Ghamdi
MLMTA 2006, 128-133, 2006
Generation of Arabic phonetic dictionaries for speech recognition
M Ali, M Elshafei, M Al-Ghamdi, H Al-Muhtaseb, A Al-Najjar
2008 International conference on innovations in information technology, 59-63, 2008
System and method for decoding speech
DEM Abuzeina, M Elshafei, H Al-Muhtaseb, WG Al-Khatib
US Patent App. 13/597,162, 2014
Arabic phonetic dictionaries for speech recognition
M Ali, M Elshafei, M Al-Ghamdi, H Al-Muhtaseb
Journal of Information Technology Research (JITR) 2 (4), 67-80, 2009
Cross-word Arabic pronunciation variation modeling for speech recognition
D AbuZeina, W Al-Khatib, M Elshafei, H Al-Muhtaseb
International Journal of Speech Technology 14, 227-236, 2011
Automatic Arabic text image optical character recognition method
HA Al-Muhtaseb, SA Mahmoud, R Qahwaji
US Patent 8,150,160, 2012
Statistical analysis of Arabic phonemes used in Arabic speech recognition
KMO Nahar, M Elshafei, WG Al-Khatib, H Al-Muhtaseb, MM Alghamdi
Neural Information Processing: 19th International Conference, ICONIP 2012 …, 2012
Arabic phonemes recognition using hybrid LVQ/HMM model for continuous speech recognition
KMO Nahar, M Abu Shquier, WG Al-Khatib, H Al-Muhtaseb, M Elshafei
International Journal of Speech Technology 19, 495-508, 2016
Some Differences Between Arabic and English: A Step Towards an Arabic Upper Model
H Al-Muhtaseb, C Mellish
The 6th International Conference on Multilingual Computing, Cambridge, UK., 1998
Techniques for high quality Arabic speech synthesis
H Al-Muhtaseb, M Elshafei, M Al-Ghamdi
Information sciences 140, 255-267, 2002
Sports-fanaticism formalism for sentiment analysis in Arabic text
M Alqmase, H Al-Muhtaseb, H Rabaan
Social Network Analysis and Mining 11 (1), 52, 2021
Speaker-independent natural Arabic speech recognition system
M Elshafei, H Al-Muhtaseb, M Al-Ghamdi
The International Conference on Intelligent Systems, 2008
Within-word pronunciation variation modeling for Arabic ASRs: a direct data-driven approach
D AbuZeina, W Al-Khatib, M Elshafei, H Al-Muhtaseb
International Journal of Speech Technology 15, 65-75, 2012
Arabic Phonemes Transcription using Data Driven Approach.
K Nahar, H Al-Muhtaseb, W Al-Khatib, M Elshafei, M Alghamdi
International Arab Journal of Information Technology (IAJIT) 12 (3), 2015
Toward enhanced Arabic speech recognition using part of speech tagging
D AbuZeina, W Al-Khatib, M Elshafei, H Al-Muhtaseb
International Journal of Speech Technology 14, 419-426, 2011
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Articles 1–20