Arron Metcalfe
Arron Metcalfe
Director of Research, Canadian Imaging Research Centre
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Visuo–spatial working memory is an important source of domain-general vulnerability in the development of arithmetic cognition
S Ashkenazi, M Rosenberg-Lee, AWS Metcalfe, AG Swigart, V Menon
Neuropsychologia 51 (11), 2305-2317, 2013
Hippocampal–prefrontal engagement and dynamic causal interactions in the maturation of children's fact retrieval
S Cho, AWS Metcalfe, CB Young, S Ryali, DC Geary, V Menon
Journal of cognitive neuroscience 24 (9), 1849-1866, 2012
Fractionating the neural correlates of individual working memory components underlying arithmetic problem solving skills in children
AWS Metcalfe, S Ashkenazi, M Rosenberg-Lee, V Menon
Developmental cognitive neuroscience 6, 162-175, 2013
Cerebral perfusion changes in presymptomatic genetic frontotemporal dementia: a GENFI study
HJMM Mutsaerts, SS Mirza, J Petr, DL Thomas, DM Cash, M Bocchetta, ...
Brain 142 (4), 1108-1120, 2019
Effects of acute aerobic exercise on neural correlates of attention and inhibition in adolescents with bipolar disorder
AWS Metcalfe, BJ MacIntosh, A Scavone, X Ou, D Korczak, BI Goldstein
Translational psychiatry 6 (5), e814-e814, 2016
Greater body mass index is associated with reduced frontal cortical volumes among adolescents with bipolar disorder
AH Islam, AWS Metcalfe, BJ MacIntosh, DJ Korczak, BI Goldstein
Journal of Psychiatry and Neuroscience 43 (2), 120-130, 2018
Heterogeneous and nonlinear development of human posterior parietal cortex function
TT Chang, AWS Metcalfe, A Padmanabhan, T Chen, V Menon
NeuroImage 126, 184-195, 2016
Increased cerebral blood flow among adolescents with bipolar disorder at rest is reduced following acute aerobic exercise
BJ MacIntosh, Z Shirzadi, A Scavone, AWS Metcalfe, AH Islam, D Korczak, ...
Journal of affective disorders 208, 205-213, 2017
A systematic review and meta-analysis of lipid metabolomic signatures of major depressive disorder
V Bharti, A Bhardwaj, K Hood, DA Elias, AWS Metcalfe, JS Kim
Journal of Psychiatric Research 139, 197-205, 2021
Attention-related brain activation is altered in older adults with white matter hyperintensities using multi-echo fMRI
S Atwi, AWS Metcalfe, AD Robertson, J Rezmovitz, ND Anderson, ...
Frontiers in Neuroscience 12, 748, 2018
Arabic digit naming speed: Task context and redundancy gain
JID Campbell, AWS Metcalfe
Cognition 107 (1), 218-237, 2008
Arithmetic rules and numeral format
JID Campbell, AWS Metcalfe
European Journal of Cognitive Psychology 19 (3), 335-355, 2007
Development of common neural representations for distinct numerical problems
TT Chang, M Rosenberg-Lee, AWS Metcalfe, T Chen, V Menon
Neuropsychologia 75, 481-495, 2015
Cerebrovascular blood oxygenation level dependent pulsatility at baseline and following acute exercise among healthy adolescents
AE Theyers, BI Goldstein, AWS Metcalfe, AD Robertson, BJ MacIntosh
Journal of Cerebral Blood Flow & Metabolism 39 (9), 1737-1749, 2019
Intrinsic insula network engagement underlying children's reading and arithmetic skills
TT Chang, PH Lee, AWS Metcalfe
NeuroImage 167, 162-177, 2018
Adults' strategies for simple addition and multiplication: Verbal self-reports and the operand recognition paradigm.
AWS Metcalfe, JID Campbell
Journal of Experimental Psychology: Learning, Memory, and Cognition 37 (3), 661, 2011
Sex differences in brain structure among adolescents with bipolar disorder
RHB Mitchell, AWS Metcalfe, AH Islam, S Toma, R Patel, L Fiksenbaum, ...
Bipolar disorders 20 (5), 448-458, 2018
Reduced cerebrovascular reactivity among adolescents with bipolar disorder
AL Urback, AWS Metcalfe, DJ Korczak, BJ MacIntosh, BI Goldstein
Bipolar disorders 21 (2), 124-131, 2019
Spoken numbers versus Arabic numerals: Differential effects on adults' multiplication and addition.
AWS Metcalfe, JID Campbell
Canadian Journal of Experimental Psychology/Revue canadienne de psychologie …, 2008
Neighborhood consistency and memory for number facts
JID Campbell, RR Dowd, JM Frick, KN McCallum, AWS Metcalfe
Memory & cognition 39 (5), 884-893, 2011
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Articles 1–20