Belal S. A. Korany
Belal S. A. Korany
Other namesBelal S. Amin
Qualcomm Wireless R&D
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Cited by
XModal-ID: Using WiFi for Through-Wall Person Identification from Candidate Video Footage
B Korany, CR Karanam, H Cai, Y Mostofi
The 25th Annual International Conference on Mobile Computing and Networking …, 2019
Magnitude-Based Angle-of-Arrival Estimation, Localization, and Target Tracking
CR Karanam, B Korany, Y Mostofi
International Conference on Information Processing in Sensor Networks (IPSN …, 2018
Tracking from one side: Multi-person passive tracking with WiFi magnitude measurements
CR Karanam, B Korany, Y Mostofi
Proceedings of the 18th International Conference on Information Processing …, 2019
Multiple People Identification Through Walls Using Off-The-Shelf WiFi
B Korany, H Cai, Y Mostofi
IEEE Internet of Things (IoT) journal, 2020
Teaching RF to Sense without RF Training Measurements
H Cai, B Korany, CR Karanam, Y Mostofi
Proceedings of the ACM on Interactive, Mobile, Wearable and Ubiquitous …, 2020
Wiffract: a new foundation for RF imaging via edge tracing
A Pallaprolu, B Korany, Y Mostofi
Proceedings of the 28th annual international conference on mobile computing …, 2022
Counting a Stationary Crowd Using Off-the-Shelf WiFi
B Korany, Y Mostofi
19th ACM International Conference on Mobile Systems, Applications, and …, 2021
Power Allocation for Device-to-Device Communication Underlaying Massive MIMO Multicasting Networks
B Amin, Y Ramadan, A Ibrahim, M Ismail
IEEE Wireless Communications and Networking Conference (WCNC) 2015, 1219 - 1224, 2015
Nocturnal seizure detection using off-the-shelf WiFi
B Korany, Y Mostofi
IEEE Internet of Things Journal 9 (9), 6996-7008, 2021
Precoding and Power Allocation Algorithms for Device-to-Device Communication in Massive MIMO Networks
BS Amin, AS Ibrahim, MH Ismail, HAM Mourad
Wireless Networks 24 (3), 925-942, 2018
Adaptive Near-Field Imaging with Robotic Arrays
B Korany, CR Karanam, Y Mostofi
10th IEEE Sensor Array and Multichannel Signal Processing Workshop (SAM), 2018
Analysis of Keller Cones for RF Imaging
A Pallaprolu, B Korany, Y Mostofi
IEEE Radar Conference, 2023
Enabling Novel Sensing Applications with Everyday WiFi Signals
BSA Korany
University of California, Santa Barbara, 2021
System and method of angle-of-arrival estimation, object localization, and target tracking, with received signal magnitude
Y Mostofi, CR Karanam, B Korany
US Patent WO2019200153A1, 2019
Methods and devices for interference variance estimation and interference cancellation
AS Ibrahim, MF Marzban, BS Amin
US Patent 10,404,506, 2019
Subspace-Based Imaging Using Only Power Measurements
B Korany, S Depatla, Y Mostofi
10th IEEE Sensor Array and Multichannel Signal Processing Workshop (SAM), 2018
Device-to-Device Communications Deployment in Massive MIMO Networks
BSA Korany
Cairo University, 2015
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Articles 1–17