Sanne Rathé
Sanne Rathé
PhD researcher, KU Leuven
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Kindergartners’ Spontaneous Focusing on Numerosity in Relation to Their Number-Related Utterances During Numerical Picture Book Reading
S Rathé, J Torbeyns, MM Hannula-Sormunen, L Verschaffel
Mathematical Thinking and Learning 18 (2), 125-141, 2016
No association between the home math environment and numerical and patterning skills in a large and diverse sample of 5-to 6-year-olds
L De Keyser, M Bakker, S Rathé, N Wijns, J Torbeyns, L Verschaffel, ...
Frontiers in Psychology 11, 547626, 2020
Spontaneous focusing on Arabic number symbols and its association with early mathematical competencies
S Rathé, J Torbeyns, B De Smedt, L Verschaffel
Early Childhood Research Quarterly 48, 111-121, 2019
Young children’s early mathematical competencies: The role of mathematical focusing tendencies
L Verschaffel, S Rathé, N Wijns, T Degrande, W van Dooren, B De Smedt, ...
Mathematics Education in the Early Years: Results from the POEM4 Conference …, 2020
Verbal and action‐based measures of kindergartners' SFON and their associations with number‐related utterances during picture book reading
S Rathé, J Torbeyns, B De Smedt, MM Hannula‐Sormunen, L Verschaffel
British Journal of Educational Psychology 88 (4), 550-565, 2018
Are children’s spontaneous number focusing tendencies related to their home numeracy environment?
S Rathé, J Torbeyns, B De Smedt, L Verschaffel
ZDM 52, 729-742, 2020
Longitudinal associations between spontaneous number focusing tendencies, numerical abilities, and mathematics achievement in 4-to 7-year-olds.
S Rathé, J Torbeyns, B De Smedt, L Verschaffel
Journal of Educational Psychology 114 (1), 37, 2022
Spontaneous focusing on Arabic number symbols: A unique component of children’s early mathematical development?
S Rathé, J Torbeyns, BD Smedt, L Verschaffel
Mathematical Thinking and Learning 22 (4), 281-295, 2020
Kindergartners’ spontaneous focus on number during picture book reading
S Rathé, J Torbeyns, B De Smedt, MM Hannula-Sormunen, L Verschaffel
Contemporary research and perspectives on early childhood mathematics …, 2018
Young children’s early mathematical competencies: the role of spontaneous focusing tendencies
L Verschaffel, S Rathé, N Wijns, B De Smedt, J Torbeyns
Retreived from https://www. uia. no/en/content/download/75177/958373/file …, 2018
The role of spontaneous focusing on Arabic number symbols in early mathematical development
S Rathé, J Torbeyns, B De Smedt, L Verschaffel
EARLI 2019, Date: 2019/08/12-2019/08/16, Location: Aachen, Germany, 2019
Focusing on numbers-An investigation of the role of children’s spontaneous focusing on Arabic number symbols in early mathematical development
S Rathé, L Verschaffel, B De Smedt, J Torbeyns
Een wereld vol getallen! Hoe spontane aandacht voor getallen herkennen en integreren in de praktijk?
S Rathé
Inspiratiedag Kleutergewijs, Date: 2019/08/30-2019/08/30, Location: Antwerpen, 2019
Spontaneous mathematical focusing tendencies and their relation to the home numeracy environment
S Rathé, J Torbeyns, B De Smedt, L Verschaffel
Mathematical Cognition and Learning Society (MCLS) Meeting, Date: 2019/06/16 …, 2019
Spontaneous focusing on Arabic number symbols relates to numerical abilities and mathematics achievement in 4-5-year-olds
S Rathé, J Torbeyns, B De Smedt, L Verschaffel
2019 SRCD Biennial Meeting, Date: 2019/03/21-2019/03/23, Location: Baltimore …, 2019
Ontwikkeling van wiskundige competenties bij kleuters
S Rathé, E Sekeris, N Wijns
School♡ Onderzoek, Date: 2019/02/14-2019/02/14, Location: Brussels, Belgium, 2019
The role of spontaneous focusing on Arabic number symbols in young children’s early mathematical development
S Rathé, J Torbeyns, B De Smedt, L Verschaffel
Fifth WOG meeting-Early detection and stimulation of precursors and …, 2018
Spontaneous focusing on Arabic number symbols and its role in early mathematical development
S Rathé, J Torbeyns, B De Smedt, L Verschaffel
Mathematics Education Centre's 3rd Annual Symposium, Date: 2018/06/07-2018 …, 2018
Spontaneous focusing on Arabic number symbols and its association with numerical abilities and math performance. In C. Nanu (Chair), Spontaneous focusing on numerical aspects …
S Rathé, J Torbeyns, B De Smedt, L Verschaffel
Mathematical Cognition and Learning Society Conference, Date: 2018/04/08 …, 2018
Spontaneous focusing on Arabic number symbols in relation to early mathematical competencies
S Rathé, J Torbeyns, B De Smedt, L Verschaffel
ICO International Spring School, Date: 2018/03/19-2018/03/23, Location …, 2018
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Articles 1–20