Bruno Lima
Bruno Lima
Researcher at INESC TEC, Assistant Professor at FEUP and Assistant Professor at UMaia
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Cited by
Visual self-healing modelling for reliable internet-of-things systems
JP Dias, B Lima, JP Faria, A Restivo, HS Ferreira
International Conference on Computational Science, 357-370, 2020
Izinto: a pattern-based IoT testing framework
PM Pontes, B Lima, JP Faria
Companion Proceedings for the ISSTA/ECOOP 2018 Workshops, 125-131, 2018
Test patterns for IoT
PM Pontes, B Lima, JP Faria
Proceedings of the 9th ACM SIGSOFT International Workshop on Automating TEST …, 2018
Automatic Model Transformation from UML Sequence Diagrams to Coloured Petri Nets
BLJPF Joćo Soares
6th International Conference on Model-Driven Engineering and Software …, 2018
A Testing and Certification Methodology for an Open Ambient-Assisted Living Ecosystem
JP Faria, B Lima, TB Sousa, A Martins
International Journal of E-Health and Medical Communications (IJEHMC) 5 (4 …, 2014
A Survey on Testing Distributed and Heterogeneous Systems: The State of the Practice
B Lima, JP Faria
Communications in Computer and Information Science - Software Technologies …, 2017
Towards Real-Time Patient Prioritization in Hospital Emergency Services
BLJP Faria
IEEE International Conference on E-health Networking, Application & Services …, 2018
Automated Scenario-Based Integration Testing of Time-Constrained Distributed Systems
B Lima
2019 12th IEEE Conference on Software Testing, Validation and Verification …, 2019
An Approach for Automated Scenario-based Testing of Distributed and Heterogeneous Systems
B Lima, JP Faria
10th International Conference on Software Engineering and Applications, 241-250, 2015
Towards Decentralized Conformance Checking in Model-Based Testing of Distributed Systems
B Lima, JP Faria
Software Testing, Verification and Validation Workshops (ICSTW), 2017 IEEE …, 2017
AOCO - A Tool to Improve the Teaching of the ARM Assembly Language in Higher Education
J Damas, B Lima, AJ Araśjo
30th Annual Conference of the European Association for Education in …, 2021
A Model-Based Approach for Product Testing and Certification in Digital Ecosystems
B Lima, J Pascoal
Software Testing, Verification and Validation Workshops (ICSTW), 2016 IEEE …, 2016
Local Observability and Controllability Analysis and Enforcement in Distributed Testing With Time Constraints
B Lima, JP Faria, R Hierons
IEEE Access 8, 167172-167191, 2020
Conformance Checking in Integration Testing of Time-Constrained Distributed Systems Based on Uml Sequence Diagrams
B Lima, J Faria
Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Software Technologies …, 2017
MT4A: a no-programming test automation framework for Android applications
T Coelho, B Lima, JP Faria
Proceedings of the 7th International Workshop on Automating Test Case Design …, 2016
Automated Testing of Distributed and Heterogeneous Systems Based on UML Sequence Diagrams
B Lima, JP Faria
Software Technologies, 380-396, 2016
Automated scenario-based integration testing of distributed systems
B Lima
Proceedings of the 2018 26th ACM Joint Meeting on European Software …, 2018
Testing Distributed and Heterogeneous Systems: State of the Practice
BLJP Faria
11th International Joint Conference on Software Technologies 1 (ICSOFT-EA …, 2016
Towards the Online Testing of Distributed and Heterogeneous Systems with Extended Petri Nets
B Lima, JP Faria
Quality of Information and Communications Technology (QUATIC), 2016 10th …, 2016
A Pattern-Based Test Platform for Families of Smart Health Products
P Almeida, JP Faria, B Lima
2022 IEEE 22nd International Conference on Software Quality, Reliability and …, 2022
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Articles 1–20