Philip Sallis
Philip Sallis
Professor in Computer Science, Auckland University of Technology
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Cited by
Software forensics: Extending authorship analysis techniques to computer programs
A Gray, P Sallis, S MacDonell
University of Otago, 1997
Weather detection in vehicles by means of camera and LIDAR systems
C Dannheim, C Icking, M Mäder, P Sallis
2014 Sixth International Conference on Computational Intelligence …, 2014
Thailand--Tourism and conflict: Modeling sentiment from Twitter tweets using naïve Bayes and unsupervised artificial neural nets
WB Claster, M Cooper, P Sallis
2010 second international conference on computational intelligence …, 2010
Self-organising map methods in integrated modelling of environmental and economic systems
S Shanmuganathan, P Sallis, J Buckeridge
Environmental Modelling & Software 21 (9), 1247-1256, 2006
Metrics for database systems: An empirical study
SG MacDonell, MJ Shepperd, PJ Sallis
Proceedings Fourth International Software Metrics Symposium, 99-107, 1997
Software forensics: old methods for a new science
P Sallis, A Aakjaer, S MacDonell
Proceedings 1996 International Conference Software Engineering: Education …, 1996
Evaluation of spatial interpolation techniques for mapping soil pH
S Zandi, A Ghobakhlou, P Sallis
Modelling and Simulation Society of Australia and New Zealand, 2011
A machine-learning algorithm for wind gust prediction
PJ Sallis, W Claster, S Hernández
Computers & geosciences 37 (9), 1337-1344, 2011
Software forensics for discriminating between program authors using case-based reasoning, feedforward neural networks and multiple discriminant analysis
SG MacDonell, AR Gray, G MacLennan, PJ Sallis
ICONIP'99. ANZIIS'99 & ANNES'99 & ACNN'99. 6th International Conference on …, 1999
A fuzzy logic approach to computer software source code authorship analysis
RI Kilgour, AR Gray, PJ Sallis, SG Macdonell
Springer-Verlag, 1998
Computer-mediated communication: experiments with e-mail readability
P Sallis, D Kassabova
Information Sciences 123 (1-2), 43-53, 2000
Air pollution and fog detection through vehicular sensors
P Sallis, C Dannheim, C Icking, M Maeder
2014 8th Asia Modelling Symposium, 181-186, 2014
Frost prediction characteristics and classification using computational neural networks
P Sallis, M Jarur, M Trujillo
Advances in Neuro-Information Processing: 15th International Conference …, 2009
The ecological approach to interface design: Applying the abstraction hierarchy to intentional domains
WBL Wong, PJ Sallis, D O'Hare
Proceedings 1998 Australasian Computer Human Interaction Conference. OzCHI …, 1998
Software engineering: practice, management, improvement
PJ Sallis, G Tate, SG MacDonell
Royal Victorian Institute for the Blind. Special Request Service, 1997
Extreme Weather
PJ Sallis
BoD–Books on Demand, 2018
IDENTIFIED (integrated dictionary-based extraction of non-language-dependent token information for forensic identification, examination, and discrimination): A dictionary-based …
A Gray, P Sallis, S MacDonell
Proceedings. 1998 International Conference Software Engineering: Education …, 1998
Eliciting information portrayal requirements: Experiences with the Critical Decision Method
WBL Wong, PJ Sallis, D O’Hare
People and Computers XII: Proceedings of HCI’97, 397-415, 1997
Development of environmental monitoring system with wireless sensor networks
A Ghobakhlou, S Zandi, P Sallis
Modelling and Simulation Society of Australia and New Zealand, 2011
Data mining methods to generate severe wind gust models
S Shanmuganathan, P Sallis
Atmosphere 5 (1), 60-80, 2014
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Articles 1–20