Jani Merikivi
Jani Merikivi
Laurea University of Applied Sciences
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Cited by
Understanding users’ motivations to engage in virtual worlds: A multipurpose model and empirical testing
T Verhagen, F Feldberg, B van den Hooff, S Meents, J Merikivi
Computers in Human Behavior 28 (2), 484-495, 2012
Benefitting from virtual customer environments: An empirical study of customer engagement
T Verhagen, E Swen, F Feldberg, J Merikivi
Computers in Human Behavior 48, 340-357, 2015
What makes continued mobile gaming enjoyable?
J Merikivi, V Tuunainen, D Nguyen
Computers in human behavior 68, 411-421, 2017
Satisfaction with virtual worlds: An integrated model of experiential value
T Verhagen, F Feldberg, B van den Hooff, S Meents, J Merikivi
Information & Management 48 (6), 201-207, 2011
Media hanskassa: Lasten ja nuorten vapaa-aikatutkimus 2016 mediasta ja liikunnasta
J Merikivi, S Myllyniemi, M Salasuo
Finnish Youth Research Society, 2016
Understanding the creation of trust in cryptocurrencies: The case of Bitcoin
V Marella, B Upreti, J Merikivi, VK Tuunainen
Electronic Markets 30 (2), 259-271, 2020
Does a contextualized theory of planned behavior explain why teenagers stay in virtual worlds?
M Mäntymäki, J Merikivi, T Verhagen, F Feldberg, R Rajala
International Journal of Information Management 34 (5), 567-576, 2014
Binge-watching serialized video content: A transdisciplinary review
J Merikivi, J Bragge, E Scornavacca, T Verhagen
Television & New Media 21 (7), 697-711, 2020
On the way to understanding binge watching behavior: the over-estimated role of involvement
J Merikivi, A Salovaara, M Mäntymäki, L Zhang
Electronic Markets 28, 111-122, 2018
Nuorten tilat
T Kiilakoski, AH Kivijärvi, A Gretschel, S Laine, J Merikivi
Annettu, otettu ja itse tehty. Nuorten vapaa-aika tänään, 56-89, 2011
The influence of in‐store personnel on online store value: An analogical transfer perspective
T Verhagen, W van Dolen, J Merikivi
Psychology & Marketing 36 (3), 161-174, 2019
Understanding perceived enjoyment in mobile game context
J Merikivi, D Nguyen, VK Tuunainen
2016 49th Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS), 3801-3810, 2016
Explaining the continuous use of social virtual worlds: An applied theory of planned behavior approach
J Merikivi, M Mantymaki
2009 42nd Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences, 1-10, 2009
Nuorten kohtaaminen verkossa
T Huttunen, J Merikivi
Sähköä ilmassa, 42, 2011
Sähköä ilmassa
J Merikivi, P Timonen, L Tuuttila
Näkökulmia verkkoperustaiseen nuorisotyöhön. Helsinki: Nuorisotutkimusverkosto, 2011
Investigating the drivers of the continuous use of social virtual worlds
M Mantymaki, J Merikivi
2010 43rd Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences, 1-10, 2010
Persuasive location-based messaging to increase store visits: An exploratory study of fashion shoppers
S Meents, T Verhagen, J Merikivi, J Weltevreden
Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services 57, 102174, 2020
Binge watching television shows: Conceptualization and measurement
J Merikivi, M Mäntymäki, A Salovaara, L Zhang
IS research progress would benefit from increased falsification of existing theories
A Salovaara, J Merikivi
Young people purchasing virtual goods in virtual worlds: The role of user experience and social context
M Mäntymäki, J Merikivi, AKMN Islam
Digital Services and Information Intelligence: 13th IFIP WG 6.11 Conference …, 2014
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Articles 1–20