Yanwei Yu
Yanwei Yu
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Cited by
Modeling spatial-temporal dynamics for traffic prediction
H Yao, X Tang, H Wei, G Zheng, Y Yu, Z Li
Proceedings of the AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence 33, 5668-5675, 2019
Scalable distance-based outlier detection over high-volume data streams
L Cao, D Yang, Q Wang, Y Yu, J Wang, EA Rundensteiner
2014 IEEE 30th international conference on data engineering, 76-87, 2014
Multi-behavior hypergraph-enhanced transformer for sequential recommendation
Y Yang, C Huang, L Xia, Y Liang, Y Yu, C Li
Proceedings of the 28th ACM SIGKDD conference on knowledge discovery and …, 2022
K*-means: An effective and efficient k-means clustering algorithm
J Qi, Y Yu, L Wang, J Liu
2016 IEEE international conferences on big data and cloud computing (BDCloud …, 2016
An effective and efficient hierarchical K-means clustering algorithm
J Qi, Y Yu, L Wang, J Liu, Y Wang
International Journal of Distributed Sensor Networks 13 (8), 1550147717728627, 2017
Cross-corpus speech emotion recognition based on transfer non-negative matrix factorization
P Song, W Zheng, S Ou, X Zhang, Y Jin, J Liu, Y Yu
Speech Communication 83, 34-41, 2016
Detecting moving object outliers in massive-scale trajectory streams
Y Yu, L Cao, EA Rundensteiner, Q Wang
Proceedings of the 20th ACM SIGKDD international conference on Knowledge …, 2014
Multiplex heterogeneous graph convolutional network
P Yu, C Fu, Y Yu, C Huang, Z Zhao, J Dong
Proceedings of the 28th ACM SIGKDD Conference on Knowledge Discovery and …, 2022
Online clustering for trajectory data stream of moving objects
Y Yu, Q Wang, X Wang, H Wang, J He
Computer science and information systems 10 (3), 1293-1317, 2013
Motif-Preserving Dynamic Attributed Network Embedding
Z Liu, C Huang, Y Yu, J Dong
Proceedings of the Web Conference 2021 (WWW2021), 2021
Spatio-temporal representation learning with social tie for personalized POI recommendation
S Dai, Y Yu, H Fan, J Dong
Data Science and Engineering 7 (1), 44-56, 2022
Outlier detection over massive-scale trajectory streams
Y Yu, L Cao, EA Rundensteiner, Q Wang
ACM Transactions on Database Systems (TODS) 42 (2), 1-33, 2017
Joint modeling of dense and incomplete trajectories for citywide traffic volume inference
X Tang, B Gong, Y Yu, H Yao, Y Li, H Xie, X Wang
The World Wide Web Conference, 1806-1817, 2019
Scalable KDE-based top-n local outlier detection over large-scale data streams
F Liu, Y Yu, P Song, Y Fan, X Tong
Knowledge-Based Systems 204, 106186, 2020
Fast attributed multiplex heterogeneous network embedding
Z Liu, C Huang, Y Yu, B Fan, J Dong
Proceedings of the 29th ACM International Conference on Information …, 2020
Layer-constrained variational autoencoding kernel density estimation model for anomaly detection
P Lv, Y Yu, Y Fan, X Tang, X Tong
Knowledge-Based Systems 196, 105753, 2020
Speech emotion recognition based on robust discriminative sparse regression
P Song, W Zheng, Y Yu, S Ou
IEEE Transactions on Cognitive and Developmental Systems 13 (2), 343-353, 2020
Inferring mobility relationship via graph embedding
Y Yu, H Wang, Z Li
Proceedings of the ACM on Interactive, Mobile, Wearable and Ubiquitous …, 2018
Cludoop: an efficient distributed density-based clustering for big data using hadoop
Y Yu, J Zhao, X Wang, Q Wang, Y Zhang
International Journal of Distributed Sensor Networks 11 (6), 579391, 2015
Session-based recommendation with hypergraph convolutional networks and sequential information embeddings
C Ding, Z Zhao, C Li, Y Yu, Q Zeng
Expert Systems with Applications 223, 119875, 2023
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Articles 1–20