Bryan Richards
Bryan Richards
Emeritus Professor, University of Glasgow
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Application of generalized differential quadrature to solve two‐dimensional incompressible Navier‐Stokes equations
C Shu, BE Richards
International Journal for Numerical Methods in Fluids 15 (7), 791-798, 1992
Investigation of three-dimensional dynamic stall using computational fluid dynamics
A Spentzos, G Barakos, K Badcock, B Richards, P Wernert, S Schreck, ...
AIAA journal 43 (5), 1023-1033, 2005
Elements of computational fluid dynamics on block structured grids using implicit solvers
KJ Badcock, BE Richards, MA Woodgate
Progress in Aerospace Sciences 36 (5-6), 351-392, 2000
Driving mechanisms of high-speed unsteady spiked body flows, part I: pulsation mode
D Feszty, KJ Badcock, BE Richards
AIAA journal 42 (1), 95-106, 2004
Short duration measurements of heat-transfer rate to a gas turbine rotor blade
H Consigny, BE Richards
Solution of the unsteady Euler equations using an implicit dual-time method
L Dubuc, F Cantariti, M Woodgate, B Gribben, KJ Badcock, BE Richards
AIAA journal 36 (8), 1417-1424, 1998
A data exchange method for fluid-structure interaction problems
GSL Goura, KJ Badcock, MA Woodgate, BE Richards
The Aeronautical Journal 105 (1046), 215-221, 2001
High resolution of natural convection in a square cavity by generalized differential quadrature
C Shu, BE Richards
Proceedings of the 3rd international conference on advances in numeric …, 1990
Numerical study of shock-reflection hysteresis in an underexpanded jet
BJ Gribben, KJ Badcock, BE Richards
AIAA journal 38 (2), 275-283, 2000
A grid deformation technique for unsteady flow computations
L Dubuc, F Cantariti, M Woodgate, B Gribben, KJ Badcock, BE Richards
International Journal for Numerical Methods in Fluids 32 (3), 285-311, 2000
Generalized differential and integral quadrature and their application to solve boundary layer equations
C Shu, YT Chew, BE Richards
International journal for numerical methods in fluids 21 (9), 723-733, 1995
Computational fluid dynamics study of three-dimensional dynamic stall of various planform shapes
A Spentzos, GN Barakos, KJ Badcock, BE Richards, FN Coton, ...
Journal of Aircraft 44 (4), 1118-1128, 2007
Direct aeroelastic bifurcation analysis of a symmetric wing based on the Euler equations
KJ Badcock, MA Woodgate, BE Richards
Journal of Aircraft 42 (3), 731-737, 2005
Implicit method for the time marching analysis of flutter
GSL Goura, KJ Badcock, MA Woodgate, BE Richards
The Aeronautical Journal 105 (1046), 199-214, 2001
Aerofoil-vortex interaction using the compressible vorticity confinement method
R Morvant, KJ Badcock, GN Barakos, BE Richards
AIAA journal 43 (1), 63-75, 2005
Laminar film cooling experiments in hypersonic flow
BE Richards, JL Stollery
Journal of Aircraft 16 (3), 177-181, 1979
Numerical simulation of a pulsating flow arising over an axisymmetric spiked blunt body at Mach 2.21 and Mach 6.00
D Feszty, BE Richards, KJ Badcock, MA Woodgate
Shock Waves 10, 323-331, 2000
Aeroelastic calculations for the Hawk aircraft using the Euler equations
MA Woodgate, KJ Badcock, AM Rampurawala, BE Richards, D Nardini, ...
Journal of Aircraft 42 (4), 1005-1012, 2005
High resolution schemes for steady flow computation
Z Wang, BE Richards
Journal of Computational Physics 97 (1), 53-72, 1991
Further experiments on transition reversal at hypersonic speeds.
BE Richards, JL Stollery
AIAA Journal 4 (12), 2224-2226, 1966
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Articles 1–20