Reddots replayed: A new replay spoofing attack corpus for text-dependent speaker verification research T Kinnunen, M Sahidullah, M Falcone, L Costantini, RG Hautamäki, ... 2017 IEEE International conference on acoustics, speech and signal …, 2017 | 140 | 2017 |
Subjective age estimation of telephonic voices L Cerrato, M Falcone, A Paoloni Speech Communication 31 (2-3), 107-112, 2000 | 98 | 2000 |
The" siva" speech database for speaker verification: Description and evaluation M Falcone, A Gallo Proceeding of Fourth International Conference on Spoken Language Processing …, 1996 | 19 | 1996 |
A PC speaker identification system for forensic use: IDEM M Falcone, ND Sario Proc. ASRIV 1994, 169-172, 1994 | 18 | 1994 |
Idem: A software tool to study vowel formant in speaker identification M Falcone, A Paoloni, N De Sario Proceedings of the ICPhS 95, 294-297, 1995 | 16 | 1995 |
Acoustic and perceptual characteristic of Italian stop consonants. L Cerrato, M Falcone ICSLP, 1998 | 13 | 1998 |
Evaluation of natural language and speech tools for italian B Magnini, F Cutugno, M Falcone, E Pianta International Workshop, EVALITA 2011, 24-25, 2013 | 10* | 2013 |
Age estimation of telephonic voices L Cerrato, M Falcone, A Paoloni Proceedings of the RLA2C conference (Avignon), 20-24, 1998 | 10 | 1998 |
Definizione delle caratteristiche generali del corpus: informatori, località A Sobrero, I Tempesta Relazione Tecnica CLIPS/W0-a1/CGP/001, 2006 | 8 | 2006 |
Il burst nelle occlusive in sequenze VCV e VC: V dell’italiano: Un’analisi acustica L Cerrato, M Falcone Atti delle VIII Giornate di Studio del GFS, 1997 | 8 | 1997 |
The parametric approach in forensic speaker recognition A Paoloni, M Falcone, A Federico Proceedings of COST 250, 45-51, 1998 | 7 | 1998 |
Is it possible to evaluate the contribution of visual information to the process of speech comprehension? L Cerrato, FA Leoni, M Falcone AVSP'98 International Conference on Auditory-Visual Speech Processing, 1998 | 7 | 1998 |
Multi-stage collaborative microphone array beamforming in presence of nonstationary interfering signals D Comminiello, M Scarpiniti, R Parisi, A Cirillo, M Falcone, A Uncini Machine Listening in Multisource Environments, 2011 | 6 | 2011 |
Corpus design for speaker recognition assessment A Di Carlo, M Falcone, A Paoloni Proceedings of the ESCA Workshop on Automatic Speaker Recognition …, 1994 | 5 | 1994 |
Definizione e caratterizzazione di un database vocale ortofonico realizzato da parlatori professionisti in camera anecoica M Falcone, A Barone, A Bonomi Progetto CLIPS-W1-a3, 1-14, 2007 | 4 | 2007 |
Acoustic Characterisation of Speech Databases: an Example for the Speaker verification M Falcone, U Contino Proc. of The XIIIth Intl. Congress of Phonetic Sciences (ICPhS), Stockholm …, 1995 | 4 | 1995 |
Caratteristiche temporali del parlato italiano e tedesco: un confronto tra parlanti nativi, bilingui e non-nativi S Schmid, V Dellwo, M Falcone, A Paoloni Bulzoni, 2012 | 3 | 2012 |
Corpus design for speaker recognition assessment AD Carlo, M Falcone, A Paoloni Proc. ASRIV 1994, 47-50, 1994 | 3 | 1994 |
Definizione del database ortofonico in camera anecoica M Falcone, A Barone, B Alessandro Cutugno, Francesco; Savy, Renata (a cura di), Progetto Clips. Corpora e …, 2006 | 2 | 2006 |
The COST250 speaker recognition reference system H Melin, A Ariyaeeinia, M Falcone COST250 Speaker Recognition in Telephony, Final Report (CD-ROM). European …, 1999 | 2 | 1999 |