Sei Ping Lau
Cited by
Cited by
A traffic-aware street lighting scheme for Smart Cities using autonomous networked sensors
SP Lau, GV Merrett, AS Weddell, NM White
Computers & Electrical Engineering 45, 192-207, 2015
Energy-efficient street lighting through embedded adaptive intelligence
SP Lau, GV Merrett, NM White
2013 International Conference on Advanced Logistics and Transport, 53-58, 2013
Alternate link maximum energy level ad hoc distance vector scheme for energy efficient ad hoc networks routing
TH Tie, CE Tan, SP Lau
International Conference on Computer and Communication Engineering (ICCCE'10 …, 2010
Self-sustainable energy efficient long range WiFi network for rural communities
K Ab-Hamid, CE Tan, SP Lau
2011 IEEE GLOBECOM Workshops (GC Wkshps), 1050-1055, 2011
Maximum energy level ad hoc distance vector scheme for energy efficient ad hoc networks routing
TH Tie, CE Tan, SP Lau
2009 IEEE 9th Malaysia International Conference on Communications (MICC …, 2009
StreetlightSim: A simulation environment to evaluate networked and adaptive street lighting
SP Lau, GV Merrett, AS Weddell, NM White
2014 IEEE Asia Pacific Conference on Wireless and Mobile, 66-71, 2014
Energy-neutral solar-powered street lighting with predictive and adaptive behaviour
SP Lau, AS Weddell, GV Merrett, NM White
Proceedings of the 2nd International Workshop on Energy Neutral Sensing …, 2014
Towards utilizing flow label IPv6 in implicit source routing for dynamic source routing (DSR) in wireless ad hoc network
TW Yee, TC Eng, LS Ping
2012 IEEE Symposium on Computers & Informatics (ISCI), 101-106, 2012
Enhanced compression scheme for high latency networks to improve quality of service of real-time applications
LS Tan, SP Lau, CE Tan
8th Asia-Pacific Symposium on Information and Telecommunication Technologies …, 2010
The TPOA Telecentre: A community sustainable telecentre architecture
CE Tan, P Bala, SP Lau, SM Wong
Int. J. Adv. Comput. Sci. Appl 11 (8), 2020
Optimizing LZW text compression algorithm via multithreading programming
LS Tan, SP Lau, CE Tan
2009 IEEE 9th Malaysia International Conference on Communications (MICC …, 2009
Quality of service enhancement via compression technique for congested low bandwidth network
LS Tan, SP Lau, CE Tan
2011 IEEE 10th Malaysia International Conference on Communications, 71-76, 2011
WY Tai, CE Tan, S Ping
Towards Utilizing Flow Label IPv6 in Implicit Source Routing for Dynamic …, 2012
Energy Saving And Safety Street Lighting System
YS Hang, N Jali, LS Ping, CW Shiang, SK Jali, LP Chin
2022 IEEE International Conference on Artificial Intelligence in Engineering …, 2022
Predictive Control for Distributed Smart Street Light Network
PZ Lee, SP Lau, CE Tan
International Journal of Advanced Computer Science and Applications 10 (12), 2019
Real-time adaptive packet compression scheme for high latency network
TL Sun, TC Eng, LS Ping
2012 IEEE Symposium on Computers & Informatics (ISCI), 107-112, 2012
Improving ipv6 wireless ad hoc networks qos via enhanced flow label with stability based dynamic source routing scheme
WY Tai, CE Tan, SP Lau
The 17th Asia Pacific Conference on Communications, 643-648, 2011
Self-sustainable energy efficient long range wifi network for rural communities. In 2011 IEEE GLOBECOM Workshops (GC Wkshps)
K Ab-Hamid, CE Tan, SP Lau
IEEE, 2011
LingSun Tan, SeiPing Lau and ChongEng Tan.‘
LS Tan
Improving Quality-of-Service of Real-Time Applications over Bandwidth …, 2011
Priority based Energy Distribution for Off-grid Rural Electrification
SR Sindiramutty, CE Tan, SP Lau
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Articles 1–20