Manoj Panda
Cited by
Cited by
TCP Performance over Wi-Fi: Joint Impact of Buffer and Channel Losses
SR Pokhrel, M Panda, HL Vu, M Mandjes
IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing 15 (5), 1279-1291, 2016
Analytical modeling of multipath TCP over last-mile wireless
SR Pokhrel, M Panda, HL Vu
IEEE/ACM Transactions on networking 25 (3), 1876-1891, 2017
Beacon rate optimization for vehicular safety applications in highway scenarios
HP Luong, M Panda, HL Vu, BQ Vo
IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology 67 (1), 524-536, 2017
Motion and connectivity aware offloading in cloud robotics via genetic algorithm
A Rahman, J Jin, A Cricenti, A Rahman, M Panda
GLOBECOM 2017-2017 IEEE Global Communications Conference, 1-6, 2017
OPSM-Opportunistic Power Save Mode for Infrastructure IEEE 802.11 WLAN
P Agrawal, A Kumar, J Kuri, MK Panda, V Navda, R Ramjee
Communications Workshops (ICC), 2010 IEEE International Conference on, 1-6, 2010
Analytical models for energy consumption in infrastructure WLAN STAs carrying TCP traffic
P Agrawal, A Kumar, J Kuri, MK Panda, V Navda, R Ramjee, ...
2010 Second International Conference on COMmunication Systems and NETworks …, 2010
Performance analysis of TCP NewReno over a cellular Last-Mile: Buffer and channel losses
M Panda, HL Vu, M Mandjes, SR Pokhrel
IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing 14 (8), 1629-1643, 2015
Saturation throughput analysis of a system of interfering IEEE 802.11 WLANs
MK Panda, A Kumar, SH Srinivasan
World of Wireless Mobile and Multimedia Networks, 2005. WoWMoM 2005. Sixth …, 2005
Fair coexistence of regular and multipath TCP over wireless last-miles
SR Pokhrel, M Panda, HL Vu
IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing 18 (3), 574-587, 2018
Steering angle prediction for autonomous driving using federated learning: The impact of vehicle-to-everything communication
MP Aparna, R Gandhiraj, M Panda
2021 12th International Conference on Computing Communication and Networking …, 2021
Modeling finite buffer effects on TCP traffic over an IEEE 802.11 infrastructure WLAN
O Bhardwaj, GVV Sharma, M Panda, A Kumar
Computer Networks 53 (16), 2855-2869, 2009
Analysis of Multi-Hop Probabilistic Forwarding for Vehicular Safety Applications on Highways
HP Luong, M Panda, H Le Vu, QB Vo
IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing 16 (4), 918-933, 2017
Reliable transport in delay-tolerant networks with opportunistic routing
L Sassatelli, A Ali, M Panda, T Chahed, E Altman
IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications 13 (10), 5546-5557, 2014
Modeling multi-cell IEEE 802.11 WLANs with application to channel assignment
MK Panda, A Kumar
2009 7th International Symposium on Modeling and Optimization in Mobile, Ad …, 2009
Multiple model stochastic filtering for traffic density estimation on urban arterials
M Panda, D Ngoduy, HL Vu
Transportation research part B: methodological 126, 280-306, 2019
Improving the transport performance in delay tolerant networks by random linear network coding and global acknowledgments
A Ali, M Panda, T Chahed, E Altman
Ad Hoc Networks 11 (8), 2567-2587, 2013
A linear framework for dynamic user equilibrium traffic assignment in a single origin-destination capacitated network
NH Hoang, HL Vu, M Panda, HK Lo
Transportation Research Part B: Methodological 126, 329-352, 2019
Maximum likelihood multiple model filtering for path prediction in intelligent transportation systems
D Vashishtha, M Panda
Procedia computer science 143, 635-644, 2018
Handwritten digit recognition using ensemble learning
KVP Nandan, M Panda, S Veni
2020 5th International conference on communication and electronics systems …, 2020
State dependent attempt rate modeling of single cell IEEE 802.11 WLANs with homogeneous nodes and poisson arrivals
MK Panda, A Kumar
2009 First International Communication Systems and Networks and Workshops, 1-10, 2009
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Articles 1–20