Nasser  A. Saeed
Nasser A. Saeed
Associate Professor (Engineering Mathematics)-Menoufia University
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Positive position feedback (PPF) controller for suppression of nonlinear system vibration
WA El-Ganaini, NA Saeed, M Eissa
Nonlinear Dynamics 72, 517-537, 2013
Nonlinear time delay saturation-based controller for suppression of nonlinear beam vibrations
NA Saeed, WA El-Ganini, M Eissa
Applied Mathematical Modelling 37 (20-21), 8846-8864, 2013
Active magnetic bearing-based tuned controller to suppress lateral vibrations of a nonlinear Jeffcott rotor system
NA Saeed, M Kamel
Nonlinear Dynamics 90, 457-478, 2017
Time-delayed control to suppress the nonlinear vibrations of a horizontally suspended Jeffcott-rotor system
NA Saeed, WA El-Ganaini
Applied Mathematical Modelling 44, 523-539, 2017
Nonlinear PD-controller to suppress the nonlinear oscillations of horizontally supported Jeffcott-rotor system
NAFAH Saeed, M Kamel
International Journal of Non-Linear Mechanics 87, 109-124, 2016
Nonlinear oscillations of rotor active magnetic bearings system
NA Saeed, M Eissa, WA El-Ganini
Nonlinear Dynamics 74, 1-20, 2013
Nonlinear vibration control of a horizontally supported Jeffcott-rotor system
M Eissa, NA Saeed
Journal of Vibration and Control 24 (24), 5898-5921, 2018
On the nonlinear dynamics of constant stiffness coefficients 16-pole rotor active magnetic bearings system
A Kandil, M Sayed, NA Saeed
European Journal of Mechanics-A/Solids 84, 104051, 2020
Utilizing time-delays to quench the nonlinear vibrations of a two-degree-of-freedom system
NA Saeed, WA El-Ganaini
Meccanica 52, 2969-2990, 2017
On the nonlinear oscillations of a horizontally supported Jeffcott rotor with a nonlinear restoring force
NA Saeed, HA El-Gohary
Nonlinear Dynamics 88, 293-314, 2017
On the steady-state forward and backward whirling motion of asymmetric nonlinear rotor system
NA Saeed
European Journal of Mechanics-A/Solids 80, 103878, 2020
Lateral vibration control and stabilization of the quasiperiodic oscillations for rotor-active magnetic bearings system
NA Saeed, A Kandil
Nonlinear dynamics 98 (2), 1191-1218, 2019
Nonlinear dynamics and motion bifurcations of the rotor active magnetic bearings system with a new control scheme and rub-impact force
NA Saeed, E Mahrous, E Abouel Nasr, J Awrejcewicz
Symmetry 13 (8), 1502, 2021
Bifurcations of periodic motion of a horizontally supported nonlinear Jeffcott rotor system having transversely cracked shaft
NA Saeed, M Eissa
International Journal of Non-Linear Mechanics 101, 113-130, 2018
Control performance, stability conditions, and bifurcation analysis of the twelve-pole active magnetic bearings system
SM El-Shourbagy, NA Saeed, M Kamel, KR Raslan, MK Aboudaif, ...
Applied Sciences 11 (22), 10839, 2021
Sensitivity analysis and vibration control of asymmetric nonlinear rotating shaft system utilizing 4-pole AMBs as an actuator
NA Saeed, EM Awwad, MA El-Meligy, EA Nasr
European Journal of Mechanics-A/Solids 86, 104145, 2021
Radial versus Cartesian control strategies to stabilize the nonlinear whirling motion of the six-pole rotor-AMBs
NA Saeed, EM Awwad, MA El-Meligy, ESA Nasr
IEEE Access 8, 138859-138883, 2020
On vibration behavior and motion bifurcation of a nonlinear asymmetric rotating shaft
NA Saeed
Archive of Applied Mechanics 89 (9), 1899-1921, 2019
Influences of time-delays on the performance of a controller based on the saturation phenomenon
NA Saeed, HA El-Gohary
European Journal of Mechanics-A/Solids 66, 125-142, 2017
Analysis of the rub-impact forces between a controlled nonlinear rotating shaft system and the electromagnet pole legs
NA Saeed, EM Awwad, MA EL-meligy, EA Nasr
Applied Mathematical Modelling 93, 792-810, 2021
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Articles 1–20