Timur Friedman
Timur Friedman
assistant professor of computer science, Sorbonne Université
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Cited by
Avoiding traceroute anomalies with Paris traceroute
B Augustin, X Cuvellier, B Orgogozo, F Viger, T Friedman, M Latapy, ...
Proceedings of the 6th ACM SIGCOMM conference on Internet measurement, 153-158, 2006
DTN routing in a mobility pattern space
J Leguay, T Friedman, V Conan
Proceedings of the 2005 ACM SIGCOMM workshop on Delay-tolerant networking …, 2005
RTP control protocol extended reports (RTCP XR)
T Friedman, R Caceres, A Clark
Evaluating mobility pattern space routing for DTNs
J Leguay, T Friedman, V Conan
IEEE Infocom 2006, 2006
Internet topology discovery: a survey
B Donnet, T Friedman
IEEE Communications Surveys & Tutorials 9 (4), 56-69, 2007
The use of end-to-end multicast measurements for characterizing internal network behavior
A Adams, T Bu, T Friedman, J Horowitz, D Towsley, R Cáceres, N Duffield, ...
IEEE Communications magazine 38 (5), 152-159, 2000
Opportunistic content distribution in an urban setting
J Leguay, A Lindgren, J Scott, T Friedman, J Crowcroft
Proceedings of the 2006 SIGCOMM workshop on Challenged networks, 205-212, 2006
Characterizing pairwise inter-contact patterns in delay tolerant networks
V Conan, J Leguay, T Friedman
1st International ICST Conference on Autonomic Computing and Communication …, 2007
Efficient algorithms for large-scale topology discovery
B Donnet, P Raoult, T Friedman, M Crovella
Proceedings of the 2005 ACM SIGMETRICS International conference on …, 2005
Measuring load-balanced paths in the Internet
B Augustin, T Friedman, R Teixeira
Proceedings of the 7th ACM SIGCOMM conference on Internet measurement, 149-160, 2007
Fixed point opportunistic routing in delay tolerant networks
V Conan, J Leguay, T Friedman
IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications 26 (5), 773-782, 2008
Measuring multipath routing in the internet
B Augustin, T Friedman, R Teixeira
IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking 19 (3), 830-840, 2010
Multicast session membership size estimation
T Friedman, D Towsley
IEEE INFOCOM'99. Conference on Computer Communications. Proceedings …, 1999
Deployment of an algorithm for large-scale topology discovery
B Donnet, P Raoult, T Friedman, M Crovella
IEEE journal on selected areas in communications 24 (12), 2210-2220, 2006
Detection, understanding, and prevention of traceroute measurement artifacts
F Viger, B Augustin, X Cuvellier, C Magnien, M Latapy, T Friedman, ...
Computer networks 52 (5), 998-1018, 2008
Retouched bloom filters: allowing networked applications to trade off selected false positives against false negatives
B Donnet, B Baynat, T Friedman
Proceedings of the 2006 ACM CoNEXT conference, 1-12, 2006
Improved algorithms for network topology discovery
B Donnet, T Friedman, M Crovella
Passive and Active Network Measurement: 6th International Workshop, PAM 2005 …, 2005
Multicast-based loss inference with missing data
NG Duffield, J Horowitz, D Towsley, W Wei, T Friedman
IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications 20 (4), 700-713, 2002
Evaluating MobySpace‐based routing strategies in delay‐tolerant networks
J Leguay, T Friedman, V Conan
Wireless communications and mobile computing 7 (10), 1171-1182, 2007
Multipath tracing with Paris traceroute
B Augustin, T Friedman, R Teixeira
2007 Workshop on End-to-End Monitoring Techniques and Services, 1-8, 2007
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Articles 1–20