Saronath Halder
Saronath Halder
Center for Theoretical Physics, Polish Academy of Sciences
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Strong quantum nonlocality without entanglement
S Halder, M Banik, S Agrawal, S Bandyopadhyay
Physical Review Letters 122 (4), 040403, 2019
Several nonlocal sets of multipartite pure orthogonal product states
S Halder
Physical Review A 98 (2), 022303, 2018
Genuinely nonlocal product bases: Classification and entanglement assisted discrimination
S Rout, AG Maity, A Mukherjee, S Halder, M Banik
Physical Review A 100 (3), 032321, 2019
Entanglement as a resource for local state discrimination in multipartite systems
S Bandyopadhyay, S Halder, M Nathanson
Physical Review A 94 (2), 022311, 2016
Genuinely entangled subspace with all-encompassing distillable entanglement across every bipartition
S Agrawal, S Halder, M Banik
Physical Review A 99 (3), 032335, 2019
Family of bound entangled states on the boundary of the Peres set
S Halder, M Banik, S Ghosh
Physical Review A 99 (6), 062329, 2019
Optimal resource states for local state discrimination
S Bandyopadhyay, S Halder, M Nathanson
Physical Review A 97 (2), 022314, 2018
Multiparty orthogonal product states with minimal genuine nonlocality
S Rout, AG Maity, A Mukherjee, S Halder, M Banik
Physical Review A 104 (5), 052433, 2021
Distinguishability classes, resource sharing, and bound entanglement distribution
S Halder, R Sengupta
Physical Review A 101 (1), 012311, 2020
Multi-copy adaptive local discrimination: Strongest possible two-qubit nonlocal bases
M Banik, T Guha, M Alimuddin, G Kar, S Halder, SS Bhattacharya
Physical Review Letters 126 (21), 210505, 2021
Advantage of Quantum Theory over Nonclassical Models of Communication
S Saha, SS Bhattacharya, T Guha, S Halder, M Banik
Annalen der Physik 532 (12), 2000334, 2020
Excessive distribution of quantum entanglement
M Zuppardo, T Krisnanda, T Paterek, S Bandyopadhyay, A Banerjee, ...
Physical Review A 93 (1), 012305, 2016
Locally distinguishing quantum states with limited classical communication
S Halder, C Srivastava
Physical Review A 101 (5), 052313, 2020
Construction of noisy bound entangled states and the range criterion
S Halder, R Sengupta
Physics Letters A 383 (17), 2004, 2019
Characterizing the boundary of the set of absolutely separable states and their generation via noisy environments
S Halder, S Mal, A Sen(De)
Physical Review A 103 (5), 052431, 2021
Unextendible product bases, bound entangled states, and the range criterion
P Bej, S Halder
Physics Letters A 386, 126992, 2021
Genuine activation of nonlocality: From locally available to locally hidden information
S Bandyopadhyay, S Halder
Physical Review A 104 (5), L050201, 2021
Separability and entanglement in superpositions of quantum states
S Halder, U Sen
Physical Review A 107 (2), 022413, 2023
Unextendible entangled bases and more nonlocality with less entanglement
S Halder, U Sen
Physical Review A 105 (3), L030401, 2022
Local indistinguishability and incompleteness of entangled orthogonal bases: Method to generate two-element locally indistinguishable ensembles
S Halder, U Sen
Annals of Physics 431, 168550, 2021
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Articles 1–20