Emmanuel Grolleau
Emmanuel Grolleau
Professor of Computer Science, ENSMA
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Scheduling dependent periodic tasks without synchronization mechanisms
J Forget, F Boniol, E Grolleau, D Lesens, C Pagetti
2010 16th IEEE Real-Time and Embedded Technology and Applications Symposium …, 2010
Minimal schedulability interval for real-time systems of periodic tasks with offsets
A Choquet-Geniet, E Grolleau
Theoretical computer science 310 (1-3), 117-134, 2004
Periodicity of real-time schedules for dependent periodic tasks on identical multiprocessor platforms
J Goossens, E Grolleau, L Cucu-Grosjean
Real-time systems 52, 808-832, 2016
Ordonnancement temps réel hors-ligne optimal à l’aide de réseaux de Petri en environnement monoprocesseur et multiprocesseur
E Grolleau
Université de Poitiers, 1999
Systèmes temps réel de contrôle-commande: conception et implémentation
F Cottet, E Grolleau
Dunod, 2005
Dynamic priority scheduling of periodic tasks with extended precedences
M Forget, E Grolleau, C Pagetti, P Richard
ETFA2011, 1-8, 2011
Feasibility analysis of non-concrete real-time transactions with edf assignment priority
A Rahni, E Grolleau, M Richard
16th International Conference on Real-Time and Network Systems (RTNS 2008), 2008
Off-line computation of real-time schedules using petri nets
E Grolleau, A Choquet-Geniet
Discrete Event Dynamic Systems 12 (3), 311-333, 2002
Contraintes de précédences et ordonnancement mono-processeur
M Richard, P Richard, E Grolleau, F Cottet
Proc. Real Time and Embedded Systems (RTS 2002), 121-138, 2002
Response-time analysis of tasks with offsets
K Traore, E Grolleau, A Rahni, M Richard
2006 IEEE Conference on Emerging Technologies and Factory Automation, 1-8, 2006
Off-line computation of real-time schedules by means of petri nets
E Grolleau, A Choquet-Geniet
Discrete Event Systems: Analysis and Control, 309-316, 2000
RoBMEX: ROS-based modelling framework for end-users and experts
M Ladeira, Y Ouhammou, E Grolleau
Journal of Systems Architecture 117, 102089, 2021
Workload assignment for global real-time scheduling on unrelated multicore platforms
A Bertout, J Goossens, E Grolleau, X Poczekajlo
Proceedings of the 28th International Conference on Real-Time Networks and …, 2020
Predictive-delay control based on real-time feedback scheduling
Z Sahraoui, E Grolleau, D Mehdi, M Ahmed-Nacer, A Labed
Simulation Modelling Practice and Theory 66, 16-35, 2016
An efficient response-time analysis for real-time transactions with fixed priority assignment
A Rahni, E Grolleau, M Richard
Innovations in Systems and Software Engineering 5, 197-209, 2009
Characterization and analysis of tasks with offsets: monotonic transactions
K Traore, E Grolleau, F Cottet
12th IEEE International Conference on Embedded and Real-Time Computing …, 2006
Scheduling real-time systems by means of petri nets
E Grolleau, A Choquet-Geniet
IFAC Proceedings Volumes 33 (7), 89-94, 2000
Template schedule construction for global real-time scheduling on unrelated multiprocessor platforms
A Bertout, J Goossens, E Grolleau, X Poczekajlo
2020 Design, Automation & Test in Europe Conference & Exhibition (DATE), 216-221, 2020
An fptas for Response Time Analysis of Fixed Priority Real-Time Tasks with Resource Augmentation
THC Nguyen, P Richard, E Grolleau
IEEE Transactions on Computers 64 (7), 1805-1818, 2014
A real-time feedback scheduler for environmental energy harvesting
A Abbas, E Grolleau, M Loudini, D Mehdi
3rd International Conference on Systems and Control, 1013-1019, 2013
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Articles 1–20