Karl Reiner Lang
Karl Reiner Lang
Zicklin School of Business, Baruch College, City University of New York, USA
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Managing the paradoxes of mobile technology.
SL Jarvenpaa, KR Lang
Information systems management 22 (4), 2005
How should we understand the digital economy in Asia? Critical assessment and research agenda
K Li, DJ Kim, KR Lang, RJ Kauffman, M Naldi
Electronic commerce research and applications 44, 101004, 2020
Mobile commerce at crossroads
SL Jarvenpaa, KR Lang, Y Takeda, VK Tuunainen
Communications of the ACM 46 (12), 41-44, 2003
Digital consumer networks and producer-consumer collaboration: Innovation and product development in the video game industry
RY Arakji, KR Lang
Journal of Management Information Systems 24 (2), 195-219, 2007
Newly vulnerable markets in an age of pure information products: An analysis of online music and online news
EK Clemons, B Gu, KR Lang
Journal of Management Information Systems 19 (3), 17-41, 2002
Boundary management in online communities: Case studies of the Nine Inch Nails and ccMixter music remix sites
SL Jarvenpaa, KR Lang
Long Range Planning 44 (5-6), 440-457, 2011
If I had a song: The culture of digital community networks and its impact on the music industry
J Hughes, KR Lang
International Journal on Media Management 5 (3), 180-189, 2003
Avatar business value analysis: a method for the evaluation of business value creation in virtual commerce
RY Arakji, KR Lang
Journal of Economic Commerce Research, 2008
Enterprise decision support using Intranet technology
S Ba, KR Lang, AB Whinston
Decision support systems 20 (2), 99-134, 1997
The decoupling of value creation from revenue: A strategic analysis of the markets for pure information goods
EK Clemons, KR Lang
Information Technology and Management 4, 259-287, 2003
Participation incentive mechanisms in peer-to-peer subscription systems
SM Lui, KR Lang, SH Kwok
Proceedings of the 35th Annual Hawaii International Conference on System …, 2002
Consumer search behavior in online shopping environments
N Kumar, KR Lang, Q Peng
Proceedings of the 38th Annual Hawaii International Conference on System …, 2005
Friend or foe? The ambivalent relationship between mobile technology and its users
SL Jarvenpaa, KR Lang, VK Tuunainen
Designing Ubiquitous Information Environments: Socio-Technical Issues and …, 2005
A pricing mechanism for digital content distribution over computer networks
KR Lang, R Vragov
Journal of Management Information Systems 22 (2), 121-139, 2005
Transmutability: Digital decontextualization, manipulation, and recontextualization as a new source of value in the production and consumption of culture products
J Hughes, K Lang
Proceedings of the 39th Annual Hawaii International Conference on System …, 2006
Peer-to-peer technology business and service models: risks and opportunities
SH Kwok, KR Lang, KY Tam
Electronic Markets 12 (3), 175-183, 2002
Consumer co-creation of digital culture products: business threat or new opportunity?
K Lang, R Shang, R Vragov
Journal of the Association for Information Systems 16 (9), 3, 2015
An analytical framework for evaluating peer-to-peer business models
J Hughes, KR Lang, R Vragov
Electronic Commerce Research and Applications 7 (1), 105-118, 2008
Issues in online focus groups: Lessons learned from an empirical study of peer-to-peer filesharing system users
KR Lang, J Hughes
European Journal of Business Research Methods 2 (2), 95-110, 2004
The role of electronic commerce in the transformation of distance education
KR Lang, JL Zhao
Journal of Organizational Computing and Electronic Commerce 10 (2), 103-127, 2000
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Articles 1–20