Hongkyu Yoon
عدد مرات الاقتباسات
عدد مرات الاقتباسات
Pore‐scale simulation of mixing‐induced calcium carbonate precipitation and dissolution in a microfluidic pore network
H Yoon, AJ Valocchi, CJ Werth, T Dewers
Water Resources Research 48 (2), 2012
Environmental risk analysis of hazardous material rail transportation
MR Saat, CJ Werth, D Schaeffer, H Yoon, CPL Barkan
Journal of hazardous materials 264, 560-569, 2014
Lattice Boltzmann-based approaches for pore-scale reactive transport
H Yoon, Q Kang, AJ Valocchi
Reviews in Mineralogy and Geochemistry 80 (1), 393-431, 2015
Automated contact angle estimation for three-dimensional X-ray microtomography data
KA Klise, D Moriarty, H Yoon, Z Karpyn
Advances in water resources 95, 152-160, 2016
Permeability evolution of shale during spontaneous imbibition
N Chakraborty, ZT Karpyn, S Liu, H Yoon
Journal of Natural Gas Science and Engineering 38, 590-596, 2017
Effect of water content on transient nonequilibrium NAPL–gas mass transfer during soil vapor extraction
H Yoon, JH Kim, HM Liljestrand, J Khim
Journal of Contaminant Hydrology 54 (1-2), 1-18, 2002
Chemical and hydrodynamic mechanisms for long-term geological carbon storage
SJ Altman, B Aminzadeh, MT Balhoff, PC Bennett, SL Bryant, ...
The Journal of Physical Chemistry C 118 (28), 15103-15113, 2014
Effects of spatial heterogeneity and material anisotropy on the fracture pattern and macroscopic effective toughness of Mancos Shale in Brazilian tests
SH Na, WC Sun, MD Ingraham, H Yoon
Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth 122 (8), 6202-6230, 2017
Pore-scale and continuum simulations of solute transport micromodel benchmark experiments
M Oostrom, Y Mehmani, P Romero-Gomez, Y Tang, H Liu, H Yoon, ...
Computational Geosciences 20, 857-879, 2016
Nanopore structures, statistically representative elementary volumes, and transport properties of chalk
H Yoon, TA Dewers
Geophysical Research Letters 40 (16), 4294-4298, 2013
Non-intrusive reduced order modeling of natural convection in porous media using convolutional autoencoders: comparison with linear subspace techniques
T Kadeethum, F Ballarin, Y Choi, D O’Malley, H Yoon, N Bouklas
Advances in Water Resources 160, 104098, 2022
Evaluation of simplified mass transfer models to simulate the impacts of source zone architecture on nonaqueous phase liquid dissolution in heterogeneous porous media
C Zhang, H Yoon, CJ Werth, AJ Valocchi, NB Basu, JW Jawitz
Journal of contaminant hydrology 102 (1-2), 49-60, 2008
An environmental screening model to assess the consequences to soil and groundwater from railroad-tank-car spills of light non-aqueous phase liquids
H Yoon, CJ Werth, CPL Barkan, DJ Schaeffer, P Anand
Journal of Hazardous Materials 165 (1-3), 332-344, 2009
Microfluidic investigation of salinity-induced oil recovery in porous media during chemical flooding
SW Park, J Lee, H Yoon, S Shin
Energy & Fuels 35 (6), 4885-4892, 2021
Pore-scale analysis of calcium carbonate precipitation and dissolution kinetics in a microfluidic device
H Yoon, KN Chojnicki, MJ Martinez
Environmental Science & Technology 53 (24), 14233-14242, 2019
Metabolism-Induced CaCO3 Biomineralization During Reactive Transport in a Micromodel: Implications for Porosity Alteration
R Singh, H Yoon, RA Sanford, L Katz, BW Fouke, CJ Werth
Environmental science & technology 49 (20), 12094-12104, 2015
Parameter estimation and predictive uncertainty in stochastic inverse modeling of groundwater flow: Comparing null‐space Monte Carlo and multiple starting point methods
H Yoon, DB Hart, SA McKenna
Water Resources Research 49 (1), 536-553, 2013
Operational and geological controls of coupled poroelastic stressing and pore-pressure accumulation along faults: Induced earthquakes in Pohang, South Korea
KW Chang, H Yoon, YH Kim, MY Lee
Scientific reports 10 (1), 2073, 2020
Comparison of ensemble filtering algorithms and null‐space Monte Carlo for parameter estimation and uncertainty quantification using CO2 sequestration data
R Tavakoli, H Yoon, M Delshad, AH ElSheikh, MF Wheeler, BW Arnold
Water Resources Research 49 (12), 8108-8127, 2013
Pore‐scale evaluation of uranyl phosphate precipitation in a model groundwater system
MF Fanizza, H Yoon, C Zhang, M Oostrom, TW Wietsma, NJ Hess, ...
Water Resources Research 49 (2), 874-890, 2013
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مقالات 1–20