Jesús Antonio del Río Portilla
Cited by
Cited by
Tailoring the photonic band gap of a porous silicon dielectric mirror
V Agarwal, JA Del Rıo
Applied physics letters 82 (10), 1512-1514, 2003
Photon Bloch oscillations in porous silicon optical superlattices
V Agarwal, JA Del Río, G Malpuech, M Zamfirescu, A Kavokin, D Coquillat, ...
Physical review letters 92 (9), 097401, 2004
Citation mining: Integrating text mining and bibliometrics for research user profiling
RN Kostoff, JA del Rio, JA Humenik, EO Garcia, AM Ramirez
Journal of the American Society for Information Science and Technology 52 …, 2001
Colaboración científica entre países de la región latinoamericana
JM Russell, S Ainsworth, JA del Río, N Narváez-Berthelemot, HD Cortés
Revista española de documentación científica 30 (2), 180-198, 2007
Enhancement in the dynamic response of a viscoelastic fluid flowing in a tube
JA Del Rio, ML De Haro, S Whitaker
Physical Review E 58 (5), 6323, 1998
Cellular automata for one-lane traffic flow modeling
ME Lárraga, JA Del Rio, L Alvarez-Lcaza
Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies 13 (1), 63-74, 2005
Bulk and surface diffusion in porous media: an application of the surface-averaging theorem
JA Ochoa-Tapia, S Whitaker
Chemical Engineering Science 48 (11), 2061-2082, 1993
Flow of Maxwell fluids in porous media
ML De Haro, JAP Del Río, S Whitaker
Transport in Porous Media 25, 167-192, 1996
Renormalized impact factor
AM Ramírez, EO García, JA Del Río
Scientometrics 47, 3-9, 2000
Maxwell’s Equations in Two-Phase Systems I: Local Electrodynamic Equilibrium
JA de Río and S. Whitaker
Transport in Porous Media 39, 159–186, 2000
Perfect light transmission in Fibonacci arrays of dielectric multilayers
R Nava, J Tagüeña-Martínez, JA Del Rio, GG Naumis
Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter 21 (15), 155901, 2009
Electrohydrodynamics in porous media
JA Del Rio, S Whitaker
Transport in Porous Media 44, 385-405, 2001
Formula for the conductivity of a two-component material based on the reciprocity theorem
JA Del Rio, RW Zimmerman, RA Dawe
Solid state communications 106 (4), 183-186, 1998
Enhanced heat transfer using oscillatory flows in solar collectors
AA Lambert, S Cuevas, JA Del Río
Solar energy 80 (10), 1296-1302, 2006
New kind of phase separation in a CA traffic model with anticipation
ME Lárraga, JA del Río, A Schadschneider
Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and General 37 (12), 3769, 2004
Experimental observation of dramatic differences in the dynamic response of Newtonian and Maxwellian fluids
JR Castrejón-Pita, JA Del Río, AA Castrejón-Pita, G Huelsz
Physical Review E 68 (4), 046301, 2003
A thermal study of optical fibres transmitting concentrated solar energy
OA Jaramillo, JA Del Rio, G Huelsz
Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics 32 (9), 1000, 1999
Influence of surface coverage on the effective optical properties of porous silicon modeled as a Si-wire array
JE Lugo, JA Del Rio, J Tagüena-Martınez
Journal of applied physics 81 (4), 1923-1928, 1997
The structure and infrastructure of Mexico's science and technology
RN Kostoff, JA del Río, HD Cortés, C Smith, A Smith, C Wagner, ...
Technological forecasting and social change 72 (7), 798-814, 2005
Maxwell's equations in two-phase systems II: Two-equation model
JA Río, S Whitaker
Transport in Porous Media 39, 259-287, 2000
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Articles 1–20