Richard Muirhead
Richard Muirhead
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Faecal bacteria yields in artificial flood events: quantifying in-stream stores
RW Muirhead, RJ Davies-Colley, AM Donnison, JW Nagels
Water research 38 (5), 1215-1224, 2004
Faecal contamination over flood events in a pastoral agricultural stream in New Zealand
JW Nagels, RJ Davies-Colley, AM Donnison, RW Muirhead
Water Science and Technology 45 (12), 45-52, 2002
Prioritisation of farm scale remediation efforts for reducing losses of nutrients and faecal indicator organisms to waterways: A case study of New Zealand dairy farming
RM Monaghan, CAM De Klein, RW Muirhead
Journal of environmental management 87 (4), 609-622, 2008
Modeling fate and transport of fecally-derived microorganisms at the watershed scale: State of the science and future opportunities
KH Cho, YA Pachepsky, DM Oliver, RW Muirhead, Y Park, RS Quilliam, ...
Water research 100, 38-56, 2016
Interaction of Escherichia coli and Soil Particles in Runoff
RW Muirhead, RP Collins, PJ Bremer
Applied and Environmental Microbiology 72 (5), 3406-3411, 2006
Erosion and Subsequent Transport State of Escherichia coli from Cowpats
RW Muirhead, RP Collins, PJ Bremer
Applied and Environmental Microbiology 71 (6), 2875-2879, 2005
Cattle treading and phosphorus and sediment loss in overland flow from grazed cropland
RW McDowell, JJ Drewry, RW Muirhead, RJ Paton
Soil Research 41 (8), 1521-1532, 2003
Predicting microbial water quality with models: over-arching questions for managing risk in agricultural catchments
DM Oliver, KDH Porter, YA Pachepsky, RW Muirhead, SM Reaney, ...
Science of the Total Environment 544, 39-47, 2016
Numbers and transported state of Escherichia coli in runoff direct from fresh cowpats under simulated rainfall
RW Muirhead, RP Collins, PJ Bremer
Letters in applied microbiology 42 (2), 83-87, 2006
Pathways of contaminant transfers to water from an artificially-drained soil under intensive grazing by dairy cows
RM Monaghan, LC Smith, RW Muirhead
Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment 220, 76-88, 2016
A model framework to assess the effect of dairy farms and wild fowl on microbial water quality during base-flow conditions
RW Muirhead, AH Elliott, RM Monaghan
Water Research 45 (9), 2863-2874, 2011
Differences in the fecal concentrations and genetic diversities of Campylobacter jejuni populations among individual cows in two dairy herds
D Rapp, CM Ross, EJ Pleydell, RW Muirhead
Applied and environmental microbiology 78 (21), 7564-7571, 2012
Effect of preslaughter feeding system on weight loss, gut bacteria, and the physico‐chemical properties of digesta in cattle
NG Gregory, LH Jacobson, TA Nagle, RW Muirhead, GJ Leroux
New Zealand Journal of Agricultural Research 43 (3), 351-361, 2000
Applications of the soil, plant and rumen microbiomes in pastoral agriculture
GT Attwood, SA Wakelin, SC Leahy, S Rowe, S Clarke, DF Chapman, ...
Frontiers in nutrition 6, 107, 2019
Nutrient, sediment, and bacterial losses in overland flow from pasture and cropping soils following cattle dung deposition
RW McDowell, RW Muirhead, RM Monaghan
Communications in soil science and plant analysis 37 (1-2), 93-108, 2006
Restricting the grazing time of cattle to decrease phosphorus, sediment and E. coli losses in overland flow from cropland
RW McDowell, JJ Drewry, RW Muirhead, RJ Paton
Soil Research 43 (1), 61-66, 2005
The association of E. coli and soil particles in overland flow
RW Muirhead, RP Collins, PJ Bremer
Water Science and Technology 54 (3), 153-159, 2006
A two reservoir model to predict Escherichia coli losses to water from pastures grazed by dairy cows
RW Muirhead, RM Monaghan
Environment international 40, 8-14, 2012
Evaluation of the effectiveness of a commercially available defined substrate medium and enumeration system for measuring Escherichia coli numbers in faeces …
RW Muirhead, RP Littlejohn, PJ Bremer
Letters in Applied Microbiology 39 (4), 383-387, 2004
Differential behaviour of Escherichia coli and Campylobacter spp. in a stream draining dairy pasture
R Stott, R Davies-Colley, J Nagels, A Donnison, C Ross, R Muirhead
Journal of Water and Health 9 (1), 59-69, 2011
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Articles 1–20