Mau-Tsuen Yang
Mau-Tsuen Yang
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A Collaborative Virtual Environment for Situated Language Learning Using VEC3D
MT Yang, Y Shih
A Collaborative Virtual Environment for Situated Language Learning Using VEC3D.
YC Shih, MT Yang
Educational Technology & Society 11 (1), 56-68, 2008
A novel method for detecting lips, eyes and faces in real time
CC Chiang, WK Tai, MT Yang, YT Huang, CJ Huang
Real-time imaging 9 (4), 277-287, 2003
Detection of obstacles in the flight path of an aircraft
T Gandhi, MT Yang, R Kasturi, O Camps, L Coraor, J McCandless
Aerospace and Electronic Systems, IEEE Transactions on 39 (1), 176-191, 2003
Detection of Obstacles in the Flight Path of an Aircraft
MT Yang, R Kasturi, T Gandhi, O Camps, L Coraor
Computer-Assisted Culture Learning in an Online Augmented Reality Environment Based on Free-Hand Gesture Interaction
MT Yang, WC Liao
Learning Technologies, IEEE Transactions on 7 (2), 107-117, 2014
Moving cast shadow detection by exploiting multiple cues
MT Yang, KH Lo, CC Chiang, WK Tai
Image Processing, IET 2 (2), 95-104, 2008
Moving Cast Shadow Detection by Exploiting Multiple Cues
CC Chiang, W Dai, MT Yang, K Lo
A pipeline-based approach for scheduling video processing algorithms on now
MT Yang, R Kasturi, A Sivasubramaniam
Parallel and Distributed Systems, IEEE Transactions on 14 (2), 119-130, 2003
A multimodal fusion system for people detection and tracking
MT Yang, SC Wang, YY Lin
International journal of imaging systems and technology 15 (2), 131-142, 2005
Performance characterization of the dynamic programming obstacle detection algorithm
T Gandhi, MT Yang, R Kasturi, O Camps, LD Coraor, J McCandless
Image Processing, IEEE Transactions on 15 (5), 1202-1214, 2006
Performance Characterization of the Dynamic Programming Obstacle Detection Algorithm
MT Yang, R Kasturi, T Gandhi, J McCandless, L Coraor, O Camps
Traffic flow estimation and vehicle-type classification using vision-based spatial-temporal profile analysis
MT Yang, RK Jhang, JS Hou
Computer Vision, IET 7 (5), 394-404, 2013
People tracking by integrating multiple features
MT Yang, YC Shih, SC Wang
Pattern Recognition, 2004. ICPR 2004. Proceedings of the 17th International …, 2004
A momentum‐based deformation system for granular material
YL Zeng, CI Tan, WK Tai, MT Yang, CC Chiang, CC Chang
Computer Animation and Virtual Worlds 18 (4‐5), 289-300, 2007
A Momentum-Based Deformation System for Granular Material
WK Tai, MT Yang, YL Zeng, CI Tan, CC Chang, CC Chiang
A Momentum-Based Deformation System for Granular Material
CC Chiang, C Chang, Y Zeng, MT Yang, W Tai, C Tan
Shadow detection by integrating multiple features
KH Lo, MT Yang
Pattern Recognition, 2006. ICPR 2006. 18th International Conference on 1 …, 2006
Shadow Detection by Integrating Multiple Features
MT Yang, K Lo
Real-time obstacle detection system for high speed civil transport supersonic aircraft
MT Yang, T Gandhi, R Kasturi, L Coraor, O Camps, J McCandless
National Aerospace and Electronics Conference, 2000. NAECON 2000 …, 2000
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