Mandy Keck
Mandy Keck
University of Applied Sciences Upper Austria, Hagenberg Campus
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Towards a formalization of multi-touch gestures
D Kammer, J Wojdziak, M Keck, R Groh, S Taranko
ACM international conference on interactive tabletops and surfaces, 49-58, 2010
Taxonomy and overview of multi-touch frameworks: Architecture, scope and features
D Kammer, M Keck, G Freitag, M Wacker
Workshop on Engineering Patterns for Multitouch Interfaces, 2010
Challenges and opportunities in data visualization education: A call to action
B Bach, M Keck, F Rajabiyazdi, T Losev, I Meirelles, J Dykes, ...
IEEE Transactions on visualization and computer graphics, 2023
Glyphboard: Visual exploration of high-dimensional data combining glyphs with dimensionality reduction
D Kammer, M Keck, T Gründer, A Maasch, T Thom, M Kleinsteuber, ...
IEEE transactions on visualization and computer graphics 26 (4), 1661-1671, 2020
DepthTouch: an elastic surface for tangible computing
J Peschke, F Göbel, T Gründer, M Keck, D Kammer, R Groh
Proceedings of the international working conference on advanced visual …, 2012
Towards glyph-based visualizations for big data clustering
M Keck, D Kammer, T Gründer, T Thom, M Kleinsteuber, A Maasch, ...
Proceedings of the 10th international symposium on visual information …, 2017
Immersive data grasping using the explore table
M Brade, D Kammer, M Keck, R Groh
Proceedings of the fifth international conference on Tangible, embedded, and …, 2010
IEEE vis workshop on data vis activities to facilitate learning, reflecting, discussing, and designing
S Huron, B Bach, U Hinrichs, M Keck, JC Roberts
IEEE VIS 2020, 2020
Visualization approaches for understanding uncertainty in flow diagrams
Z Vosough, D Kammer, M Keck, R Groh
Journal of Computer Languages 52, 44-54, 2019
Delviz: exploration of tagged information visualizations.
M Keck, D Kammer, R Iwan, S Taranko, R Groh
GI-Jahrestagung, 257, 2011
Visualizing uncertainty in flow diagrams: a case study in product costing
Z Vosough, D Kammer, M Keck, R Groh
Proceedings of the 10th International Symposium on Visual Information …, 2017
Revisiting graspable user interfaces: A design process for developing user interface metaphors
M Keck, E Lapczyna, R Groh
Design, User Experience, and Usability. Theories, Methods, and Tools for …, 2014
A didactic framework for analyzing learning activities to design infovis courses
M Keck, E Stoll, D Kammer
IEEE Computer Graphics and Applications 41 (6), 80-90, 2021
A didactic methodology for crafting information visualizations
M Keck, R Groh, Z Vosough
2020 IEEE Visualization Conference (VIS), 186-190, 2020
Big data landscapes: Improving the visualization of machine learning-based clustering algorithms
D Kammer, M Keck, T Gründer, R Groh
Proceedings of the 2018 International Conference on Advanced Visual …, 2018
Exploring big data landscapes with elastic displays
D Kammer, M Keck, M Müller, T Gründer, R Groh
Gesellschaft für Informatik eV, 2017
Get inspired: A visual divide and conquer approach for motive-based search scenarios
A Both, V Nguyen, M Keck, D Kammer, R Groh, D Henkens
13th Int. Conf. WWW/INTERNET (ICWI 2014). Int. Association for Development …, 2014
Developing mobile interface metaphors and gestures
D Kammer, D Schmidt, M Keck, R Groh
Proceedings of the 15th international conference on Human-computer …, 2013
Improving motive-based search: Utilization of vague feelings and ideas in the process of information seeking
M Keck, M Herrmann, A Both, R Gaertner, R Groh
Distributed, Ambient, and Pervasive Interactions: First International …, 2013
A Construction Kit for Visual Exploration Interfaces.
M Keck, R Groh
EuroVis (Short Papers), 79-83, 2019
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Articles 1–20