Nonclassical'states in quantum optics: asqueezed'review of the first 75 years VV Dodonov Journal of Optics B: Quantum and Semiclassical Optics 4 (1), R1, 2002 | 997 | 2002 |
Even and odd coherent states and excitations of a singular oscillator VV Dodonov, IA Malkin, VI Man'Ko Physica 72 (3), 597-615, 1974 | 733 | 1974 |
Invariants and the evolution of nonstationary quantum systems MA Markov Moscow Izdatel Nauka 183, 1987 | 516* | 1987 |
Current status of the dynamical Casimir effect VV Dodonov Physica Scripta 82 (3), 038105, 2010 | 408 | 2010 |
Generalized uncertainty relation and correlated coherent states VV Dodonov, EV Kurmyshev, VI Man'Ko Physics Letters A 79 (2-3), 150-152, 1980 | 381 | 1980 |
Theory of nonclassical states of light VV Dodonov, VI Man'ko CRC Press, 2003 | 336 | 2003 |
Generation and detection of photons in a cavity with a resonantly oscillating boundary VV Dodonov, AB Klimov Physical Review A 53 (4), 2664, 1996 | 332 | 1996 |
Positive distribution description for spin states VV Dodonov, VI Man'Ko Physics Letters A 229 (6), 335-339, 1997 | 327 | 1997 |
Coherent states and the resonance of a quantum damped oscillator VV Dodonov, VI Man'Ko Physical Review A 20 (2), 550, 1979 | 300 | 1979 |
Generation of squeezed states in a resonator with a moving wall VV Dodonov, AB Klimov, VI Man'Ko Physics Letters A 149 (4), 225-228, 1990 | 196 | 1990 |
Hilbert-Schmidt distance and non-classicality of states in quantum optics VV Dodonov, OV Man'Ko, VI Man'Ko, A Wünsche Journal of Modern Optics 47 (4), 633-654, 2000 | 189 | 2000 |
Integrals of the motion, green functions, and coherent states of dynamical systems VV Dodonov, IA Malkin, VI Man'ko International Journal of Theoretical Physics 14, 37-54, 1975 | 181 | 1975 |
Fifty years of the dynamical Casimir effect V Dodonov Physics 2 (1), 67-104, 2020 | 180 | 2020 |
Quantum phenomena in nonstationary media VV Dodonov, AB Klimov, DE Nikonov Physical Review A 47 (5), 4422, 1993 | 176 | 1993 |
Photon creation and excitation of a detector in a cavity with a resonantly vibrating wall VV Dodonov Physics Letters A 207 (3-4), 126-132, 1995 | 158 | 1995 |
Quantum phenomena in resonators with moving walls VV Dodonov, AB Klimov, DE Nikonov Journal of mathematical physics 34 (7), 2742-2756, 1993 | 149 | 1993 |
Multidimensional Hermite polynomials and photon distribution for polymode mixed light VV Dodonov, OV Man’ko, VI Man’ko Physical Review A 50 (1), 813, 1994 | 140 | 1994 |
Invariants and correlated states of nonstationary quantum systems VV Dodonov, VI Man’ko Invariants and the Evolution of Nonstationary Quantum Systems, Proceedings …, 1987 | 138 | 1987 |
Photon distribution for one-mode mixed light with a generic Gaussian Wigner function VV Dodonov, OV Man’ko, VI Man’ko Physical Review A 49 (4), 2993, 1994 | 136 | 1994 |
Even and odd coherent states for multimode parametric systems VV Dodonov, VI Man’Ko, DE Nikonov Physical Review A 51 (4), 3328, 1995 | 118 | 1995 |