Eman Magdy
Eman Magdy
Research Assistant in Biomedical Engineering
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Cited by
Automatic Classification of Normal and Cancer Lung CT Images using Multi-scale AM-FM Features
E Magdy, N Zayed, M Fakhr
International Journal of Biomedical Imaging 2015 (230830), 7, 2015
Quantitative assessment of Diabetic Macular Edema using fluorescein leakage maps
E Magdy, OO Agbedia, M Ibrahim, QD Nguyen, AS Fahmy
19th IEEE International Conference on Image Processing (ICIP), 2012, 2833-2836, 2012
Computer-aided analysis of fluorescein angiograms using colour leakage maps
E Magdy, M Ibrahim, QD Nguyen, AS Fahmy
Image Processing, IET 9 (6), 486-495, 2015
Correlation between Fluorescein Leakage Maps Generated by Automated Leakage Quantification of Fluorescein Angiogram and Retinal Thickness Maps Created by OCT in Eyes with …
M Hanout, E Magdy, O Agbedia, M Ibrahim, M Bittencourt, D Ferraz, ...
Investigative Ophthalmology & Visual Science 54 (15), 5505-5505, 2013
M Hanout, E Magdy, O Agbedia, D Ferraz, A Moradi, A Fahmy, ...
Reliability of Automated Leakage Quantification of Fluorescein Angiography in Eyes with Diabetic Macular Edema
QDN Owhofasa Agbedia, Eman Magdy, Mohamed Ibrahim, Yasir Sepah, Raafay ...
Investigative Ophtalmology and Visual Science 54 (6), 5514, 2013
Quantitative Assessment of Diabetic Macular Edema using Digital Subtraction of Early and Late Acquisitions of Fluorescein Angiograms
QDN Owhofasa O. Agbedia, Mohamed Ibrahim, Yasir J. Sepah, Millena ...
Investigative Ophtalmology and Visual Science 53 (6), 3111, 2012
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Articles 1–7