Vassilis Pontikis
Vassilis Pontikis
Researcher at CEA Saclay
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Dislocation microstructures and plastic flow: a 3D simulation
LP Kubin, G Canova, M Condat, B Devincre, V Pontikis, Y Bréchet
Solid state phenomena 23, 455-472, 1992
Molecular-dynamics study of amorphization by introduction of chemical disorder in crystalline NiZr 2
C Massobrio, V Pontikis, G Martin
Physical Review B 41 (15), 10486, 1990
High-angle grain-boundary premelting transition: A molecular-dynamics study
G Ciccotti, M Guillope, V Pontikis
Physical Review B 27 (9), 5576, 1983
Molecular-dynamics study of surface premelting effects
V Rosato, G Ciccotti, V Pontikis
Physical Review B 33 (3), 1860, 1986
Competition between precipitation and dissolution in Cu–Ag alloys under high pressure torsion
BB Straumal, V Pontikis, AR Kilmametov, AA Mazilkin, SV Dobatkin, ...
Acta Materialia 122, 60-71, 2017
Modeling of chromium precipitation in Fe-Cr alloys
J Wallenius, P Olsson, C Lagerstedt, N Sandberg, R Chakarova, ...
Physical Review B 69 (9), 094103, 2004
Amorphization induced by chemical disorder in crystalline : A molecular-dynamics study based on an n-body potential
C Massobrio, V Pontikis, G Martin
Physical review letters 62 (10), 1142, 1989
Diffusion of adatoms and vacancies on otherwise perfect surfaces: A molecular dynamics study
G De Lorenzi, G Jacucci, V Pontikis
Surface Science 116 (2), 391-413, 1982
Computer Simulation in Materials Science
G Galli, M Parrinello, M Meyer, V Pontikis
NATO ASI Series E: Applied Sciences 205, 283-304, 1991
Is pipe diffusion in metals vacancy controlled? a molecular dynamics study of an edge dislocation in copper
J Huang, M Meyer, V Pontikis
Physical review letters 63 (6), 628, 1989
Molecular dynamics study of the solid–liquid interface
P Geysermans, D Gorse, V Pontikis
The Journal of chemical physics 113 (15), 6382-6389, 2000
Diffusion in solid metals and alloys
AD Le Claire
Landoldt and Boernstein 203, 1991
Computer simulation in materials science: Interatomic potentials, simulation techniques and applications
M Meyer, V Pontikis
Springer Science & Business Media, 2012
Quasidynamic computation of multilayer relaxations, repulsion between steps and kink formation energy on copper vicinal surfaces
B Loisel, D Gorse, V Pontikis, J Lapujoulade
Surface Science 221 (1-2), 365-378, 1989
Phenomenological and structural analysis of recovery-controlled creep, with special reference to the creep of single-crystal silver chloride
V Pontikis, JP Poirier
The Philosophical Magazine: A Journal of Theoretical Experimental and …, 1975
Atomistic study of dislocation cores in aluminium and copper
A Aslanides, V Pontikis
Computational materials science 10 (1-4), 401-405, 1998
Relations between intergranular diffusion and structure: A molecular dynamics study
M Guillope, G Ciccotti, V Pontikis
Surface Science 144 (1), 67-76, 1984
CALPHAD formalism for Portland clinker: thermodynamic models and databases
MN De Noirfontaine, S Tusseau-Nenez, C Girod-Labianca, V Pontikis
Journal of Materials Science 47, 1471-1479, 2012
Numerical study of the athermal annihilation of edge-dislocation dipoles
A Aslanides, V Pontikis
Philosophical Magazine A 80 (10), 2337-2353, 2000
Atomic structure of the∑= 5,(210) and (310),[001] tilt axis grain boundaries in Mo: a joint study by computer simulation and high-resolution electron microscopy
M Bacia, J Morillo, JM Penisson, V Pontikis
Philosophical Magazine A 76 (5), 945-963, 1997
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Articles 1–20