Stelios Timotheou
Stelios Timotheou
Associate Professor, Dept. of ECE and KIOS Center of Excellence, University of Cyprus
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Cited by
Simultaneous wireless information and power transfer in modern communication systems
I Krikidis, S Timotheou, S Nikolaou, G Zheng, DWK Ng, R Schober
IEEE Communications Magazine 52 (11), 104-110, 2014
Fairness for Non-Orthogonal Multiple Access in 5G Systems
S Timotheou, I Krikidis
IEEE Signal Processing Letters 22 (10), 1647-1651, 2015
RF energy transfer for cooperative networks: Data relaying or energy harvesting?
I Krikidis, S Timotheou, S Sasaki
IEEE Communications letters 16 (11), 1772-1775, 2012
Beamforming for MISO interference channels with QoS and RF energy transfer
S Timotheou, I Krikidis, G Zheng, B Ottersten
IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications 13 (5), 2646-2658, 2014
A low complexity antenna switching for joint wireless information and energy transfer in MIMO relay channels
I Krikidis, S Sasaki, S Timotheou, Z Ding
IEEE Transactions on Communications 62 (5), 1577-1587, 2014
Random neural networks with synchronized interactions
E Gelenbe, S Timotheou
Neural Computation 20 (9), 2308-2324, 2008
Rethinking the role of interference in wireless networks
G Zheng, I Krikidis, C Masouros, S Timotheou, DA Toumpakaris, Z Ding
IEEE Communications Magazine 52 (11), 152-158, 2014
The random neural network: a survey
S Timotheou
The Computer Journal 53 (3), 251-267, 2010
Emergency response simulation using wireless sensor networks
A Filippoupolitis, L Hey, G Loukas, E Gelenbe, S Timotheou
Ambient Media and Systems (Ambi-Sys'08), Proceedings of the 1st …, 2008
Distributed traffic signal control using the cell transmission model via the alternating direction method of multipliers
S Timotheou, CG Panayiotou, MM Polycarpou
IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems 16 (2), 919-933, 2014
Minimal load shedding using the swing equation
Y Tofis, S Timotheou, E Kyriakides
IEEE Transactions on Power Systems 32 (3), 2466-2467, 2016
Exploiting constructive interference for simultaneous wireless information and power transfer in multiuser downlink systems
S Timotheou, G Zheng, C Masouros, I Krikidis
IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications 34 (5), 1772-1784, 2016
Drones: Augmenting our quality of life
C Kyrkou, S Timotheou, P Kolios, T Theocharides, C Panayiotou
IEEE Potentials 38 (1), 30-36, 2019
Controlling road congestion via a low-complexity route reservation approach
C Menelaou, P Kolios, S Timotheou, CG Panayiotou, MP Polycarpou
Transportation Research Part C: Emerging technologies 81, 118-136, 2017
Autonomous networked robots for the establishment of wireless communication in uncertain emergency response scenarios
S Timotheou, G Loukas
Applied Computing (SAC'08), Proceedings of the 24th ACM Symposium on, 1171-1175, 2009
Energy management and control of a flywheel storage system for peak shaving applications
L Tziovani, L Hadjidemetriou, C Charalampous, M Tziakouri, S Timotheou, ...
IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid 12 (5), 4195-4207, 2021
Secure SWIPT by exploiting constructive interference and artificial noise
MRA Khandaker, C Masouros, KK Wong, S Timotheou
IEEE Transactions on Communications 67 (2), 1326-1340, 2018
Fast distributed near-optimum assignment of assets to tasks
E Gelenbe, S Timotheou, D Nicholson
The Computer Journal 53 (9), 1360-1369, 2010
Minimizing traffic congestion through continuous-time route reservations with travel time predictions
C Menelaou, S Timotheou, P Kolios, CG Panayiotou, MM Polycarpou
IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Vehicles 4 (1), 141-153, 2018
A novel weight initialization method for the random neural network
S Timotheou
Neurocomputing 73 (2), 160-168, 2009
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Articles 1–20