Yuping Liu-Thompkins
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Cited by
What is interactivity and is it always such a good thing? Implications of definition, person, and situation for the influence of interactivity on advertising effectiveness
Y Liu, LJ Shrum
Journal of advertising 31 (4), 53-64, 2002
Managing brands in the social media environment
S Gensler, F Völckner, Y Liu-Thompkins, C Wiertz
Journal of interactive marketing 27 (4), 242-256, 2013
The long-term impact of loyalty programs on consumer purchase behavior and loyalty
Y Liu
Journal of marketing 71 (4), 19-35, 2007
Developing a scale to measure the interactivity of websites
Y Liu
Journal of advertising research 43 (2), 207-216, 2003
Competing loyalty programs: Impact of market saturation, market share, and category expandability
Y Liu, R Yang
Journal of Marketing 73 (1), 93-108, 2009
A dual-process model of interactivity effects
Y Liu, LJ Shrum
Journal of Advertising 38 (2), 53-68, 2009
Not all repeat customers are the same: Designing effective cross-selling promotion on the basis of attitudinal loyalty and habit
Y Liu-Thompkins, L Tam
Journal of Marketing 77 (5), 21-36, 2013
A decade of online advertising research: What we learned and what we need to know
Y Liu-Thompkins
Journal of advertising 48 (1), 1-13, 2019
Developing effective e-recruiting websites: Insights for managers from marketers
SD Maurer, Y Liu
Business horizons 50 (4), 305-314, 2007
Artificial empathy in marketing interactions: Bridging the human-AI gap in affective and social customer experience
Y Liu-Thompkins, S Okazaki, H Li
Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, 2022
Seeding viral content: The role of message and network factors
Y Liu-Thompkins
Journal of advertising research 52 (4), 465-478, 2012
Rising to stardom: An empirical investigation of the diffusion of user-generated content
Y Liu-Thompkins, M Rogerson
Journal of Interactive Marketing 26 (2), 71-82, 2012
Comparing the impact of different marketing capabilities: Empirical evidence from B2B firms in China
H Guo, H Xu, C Tang, Y Liu-Thompkins, Z Guo, B Dong
Journal of Business Research 93, 79-89, 2018
Consuming direct-to-consumer genetic tests: the role of genetic literacy and knowledge calibration
YE Pearson, Y Liu-Thompkins
Journal of Public Policy & Marketing 31 (1), 42-57, 2012
Experiencing Nostalgia Through the Lens of Life Satisfaction
L Khoshghadam, E Kordrostami, Y Liu-Thompkins
European Journal of Marketing, 2018
What drives retailer loyalty? A meta-analysis of the role of cognitive, affective, and social factors across five decades
Y Liu-Thompkins, L Khoshghadam, A Attar Shoushtari, S Zal
Journal of Retailing, 2022
Direct-to-consumer marketing of predictive medical genetic tests: assessment of current practices and policy recommendations
Y Liu, YE Pearson
Journal of Public Policy & Marketing 27 (2), 131-148, 2008
The effect of loyalty program expiration policy on consumer behavior
E Breugelmans, Y Liu-Thompkins
Marketing Letters 28 (4), 537-550, 2017
The impact of home country institutions on corporate technological entrepreneurship via R&D investments and virtual world presence
WQ Judge, Y Liu–Thompkins, JL Brown, C Pongpatipat
Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice 39 (2), 237-266, 2015
Creating, metavoicing, and propagating: A road map for understanding user roles in computational advertising
Y Liu-Thompkins, E Maslowska, Y Ren, H Kim
Journal of Advertising 49 (4), 394-410, 2020
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Articles 1–20