Ming Ma (马明)
Ming Ma (马明)
Tenured Associate Professor, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Tsinghua University
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Cited by
Robust microscale superlubricity in graphite/hexagonal boron nitride layered heterojunctions
Y Song, D Mandelli, O Hod, M Urbakh, M Ma, Q Zheng
Nature materials 17 (10), 894-899, 2018
Extremely Black Vertically Aligned Carbon Nanotube Arrays for Solar Steam Generation
Z Yin, H Wang, M Jian, Y Li, K Xia, M Zhang, C Wang, Q Wang, M Ma, ...
ACS applied materials & interfaces 9 (34), 28596-28603, 2017
Water transport inside carbon nanotubes mediated by phonon-induced oscillating friction
M Ma, F Grey, L Shen, M Urbakh, S Wu, JZ Liu, Y Liu, Q Zheng
Nature nanotechnology 10 (8), 692-695, 2015
Fast diffusion of water nanodroplets on graphene
M Ma, G Tocci, A Michaelides, G Aeppli
Nature materials 15 (1), 66-71, 2016
Strain engineering water transport in graphene nanochannels
W Xiong, JZ Liu, M Ma, Z Xu, J Sheridan, Q Zheng
Physical Review E 84 (5), 056329, 2011
Friction of water slipping in carbon nanotubes
MD Ma, L Shen, J Sheridan, JZ Liu, C Chen, Q Zheng
Physical Review E 83 (3), 036316, 2011
Robust superlubricity by strain engineering
K Wang, W Ouyang, W Cao, M Ma, Q Zheng
Nanoscale 11 (5), 2186-2193, 2019
Critical Length Limiting Superlow Friction
M Ma, A Benassi, A Vanossi, M Urbakh
Physical review letters 114 (5), 055501, 2015
Communication: Water on hexagonal boron nitride from diffusion Monte Carlo
YS Al-Hamdani, M Ma, D Alfè, OA von Lilienfeld, A Michaelides
The Journal of chemical physics 142 (18), 181101, 2015
Strain Engineering Modulates Graphene Interlayer Friction by Moiré Pattern Evolution
K Wang, C Qu, J Wang, W Ouyang, M Ma, Q Zheng
ACS applied materials & interfaces 11 (39), 36169-36176, 2019
Structural superlubricity in graphite flakes assembled under ambient conditions
H Deng, M Ma, Y Song, Q He, Q Zheng
Nanoscale 10 (29), 14314-14320, 2018
Generalized Scaling Law of Structural Superlubricity
J Wang, W Cao, Y Song, C Qu, Q Zheng, M Ma
Nano Letters, 2019
Nanoscale fluid-structure interaction: Flow resistance and energy transfer between water and carbon nanotubes
C Chen, M Ma, K Jin, JZ Liu, L Shen, Q Zheng, Z Xu
Physical Review E 84 (4), 046314, 2011
Molecular Origin of Superlubricity between Graphene and a Highly Hydrophobic Surface in Water
J Li, W Cao, J Li, M Ma, J Luo
The journal of physical chemistry letters 10 (11), 2978-2984, 2019
Structural Superlubricity Based on Crystalline Materials
Y Song, C Qu, M Ma, Q Zheng
Small 16 (15), 1903018, 2020
Origin of hydration lubrication of zwitterions on graphene
J Li, W Cao, Z Wang, M Ma, J Luo
Nanoscale 10 (35), 16887-16894, 2018
Frictional Properties of Nanojunctions Including Atomically Thin Sheets
W Ouyang, M Ma, Q Zheng, M Urbakh
Nano letters 16 (3), 1878-1883, 2016
Temperature and velocity dependent friction of a microscale graphite-DLC heterostructure
Y Gongyang, W Ouyang, C Qu, M Urbakh, B Quan, M Ma, Q Zheng
Friction 8 (2), 462-470, 2020
Exfoliation of Two-Dimensional Materials: The Role of Entropy
W Cao, J Wang, M Ma
The journal of physical chemistry letters 10 (5), 981-986, 2019
Water in Narrow Carbon Nanotubes: Roughness Promoted Diffusion Transition
W Cao, L Huang, M Ma, L Lu, X Lu
The Journal of Physical Chemistry C 122 (33), 19124-19132, 2018
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Articles 1–20