Danilo Ardagna
Cited by
Cited by
Adaptive service composition in flexible processes
D Ardagna, B Pernici
IEEE Transactions on software engineering 33 (6), 369-384, 2007
Quality-of-service in cloud computing: modeling techniques and their applications
D Ardagna, G Casale, M Ciavotta, JF Pérez, W Wang
Journal of internet services and applications 5, 1-17, 2014
Modaclouds: A model-driven approach for the design and execution of applications on multiple clouds
D Ardagna, E Di Nitto, P Mohagheghi, S Mosser, C Ballagny, F D'Andria, ...
2012 4th International Workshop on Modeling in Software Engineering (MISE …, 2012
Energy-aware autonomic resource allocation in multitier virtualized environments
D Ardagna, B Panicucci, M Trubian, L Zhang
IEEE transactions on services computing 5 (1), 2-19, 2010
Global and local QoS guarantee in web service selection
D Ardagna, B Pernici
International Conference on Business Process Management, 32-46, 2005
Paws: A framework for executing adaptive web-service processes
D Ardagna, M Comuzzi, E Mussi, B Pernici, P Plebani
IEEE software 24 (6), 39, 2007
A game theoretic formulation of the service provisioning problem in cloud systems
D Ardagna, B Panicucci, M Passacantando
Proceedings of the 20th international conference on World wide web, 177-186, 2011
SLA based profit optimization in autonomic computing systems
L Zhang, D Ardagna
Proceedings of the 2nd international conference on Service oriented …, 2004
Generalized nash equilibria for the service provisioning problem in cloud systems
D Ardagna, B Panicucci, M Passacantando
IEEE Transactions on Services Computing 6 (4), 429-442, 2012
Context-aware data quality assessment for big data
D Ardagna, C Cappiello, W Samá, M Vitali
Future Generation Computer Systems 89, 548-562, 2018
Joint admission control and resource allocation in virtualized servers
J Almeida, V Almeida, D Ardagna, Í Cunha, C Francalanci, M Trubian
Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing 70 (4), 344-362, 2010
Global and local QoS constraints guarantee in web service selection
D Ardagna, B Pernici
IEEE International Conference on Web Services (ICWS'05), 2005
SLA based resource allocation policies in autonomic environments
D Ardagna, M Trubian, L Zhang
Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing 67 (3), 259-270, 2007
Resource management in the autonomic service-oriented architecture
J Almeida, V Almeida, D Ardagna, C Francalanci, M Trubian
2006 IEEE international conference on autonomic computing, 84-92, 2006
Dual time-scale distributed capacity allocation and load redirect algorithms for cloud systems
D Ardagna, S Casolari, M Colajanni, B Panicucci
Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing 72 (6), 796-808, 2012
A hierarchical approach for the resource management of very large cloud platforms
B Addis, D Ardagna, B Panicucci, MS Squillante, L Zhang
IEEE Transactions on Dependable and Secure Computing 10 (5), 253-272, 2013
Autonomic management of cloud service centers with availability guarantees
B Addis, D Ardagna, B Panicucci, L Zhang
2010 IEEE 3rd International Conference on Cloud Computing, 220-227, 2010
Generalized nash equilibria for the service provisioning problem in multi-cloud systems
D Ardagna, M Ciavotta, M Passacantando
IEEE Transactions on Services Computing 10 (3), 381-395, 2015
Per-flow optimal service selection for web services based processes
D Ardagna, R Mirandola
Journal of Systems and Software 83 (8), 1512-1523, 2010
Dice: Quality-driven development of data-intensive cloud applications
G Casale, D Ardagna, M Artac, F Barbier, E Di Nitto, A Henry, G Iuhasz, ...
2015 IEEE/ACM 7th International Workshop on Modeling in Software Engineering …, 2015
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Articles 1–20