Dan Chalmers
Dan Chalmers
Data Scientist
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Cited by
A survey of quality of service in mobile computing environments
D Chalmers, M Sloman
IEEE Communications surveys 2 (2), 2-10, 2009
The state of peer-to-peer simulators and simulations
S Naicken, B Livingston, A Basu, S Rodhetbhai, I Wakeman, D Chalmers
ACM SIGCOMM Computer Communication Review 37 (2), 95-98, 2007
Map adaptation for users of mobile systems
D Chalmers, M Sloman, N Dulay
Proceedings of the 10th international conference on World Wide Web, 735-744, 2001
Towards reasoning about context in the presence of uncertainty
D Chalmers, N Dulay, M Sloman
1st international workshop on advanced context modelling, reasoning and …, 2004
Contextual mediation to support ubiquitous computing
D Chalmers
University of London, 2002
A framework for contextual mediation in mobile and ubiquitous computing applied to the context-aware adaptation of maps
D Chalmers, N Dulay, M Sloman
Personal and Ubiquitous Computing 8, 1-18, 2004
QoS and context awareness for mobile computing
D Chalmers, M Sloman
Handheld and Ubiquitous Computing: First International Symposium, HUC’99 …, 1999
Ubiquitous computing: experience, design and science
D Chalmers, M Chalmers, J Crowcroft, M Kwiatkowska, R Milner, E O’Neill, ...
Ubiquitous Computing: 8th International Conference, 2006
Sensing and systems in pervasive computing: Engineering context aware systems
D Chalmers
Springer Science & Business Media, 2011
GSAF: Efficient and flexible geocasting for opportunistic networks
A Rajaei, D Chalmers, I Wakeman, G Parisis
2016 IEEE 17th International Symposium on A World of Wireless, Mobile and …, 2016
Rhythms in twitter
D Chalmers, S Fleming, I Wakeman, D Watson
2011 IEEE Third International Conference on Privacy, Security, Risk and …, 2011
Reconciling privacy and security in pervasive computing: the case for pseudonymous group membership
I Wakeman, D Chalmers, M Fry
5th International Workshop on Middleware for Pervasive and Ad-Hoc Computing …, 2007
The fans united will always be connected: building a practical DTN in a football stadium
I Wakeman, S Naicken, J Rimmer, D Chalmers, C Fisher
Ad Hoc Networks: 5th International ICST Conference, ADHOCNETS 2013 …, 2014
Composing software services in the pervasive computing environment: Languages or APIs?
J Robinson, I Wakeman, D Chalmers
Pervasive and Mobile Computing 4 (4), 481-505, 2008
Chutney and relish: designing to augment the experience of shopping at a farmers' market
A Light, I Wakeman, J Robinson, A Basu, D Chalmers
Proceedings of the 22Nd Conference of the Computer-Human Interaction Special …, 2010
Kuckuck–exploring ways of sensing and displaying energy consumption information in the home
M Stringer, G Fitzpatrick, D Chalmers, E Harris, R Krishna, M Haarlander
Ubicomp 2007 Workshop on Workshop on Ubiquitous Sustainability: Technologies …, 2007
Efficient geocasting in opportunistic networks
A Rajaei, D Chalmers, I Wakeman, G Parisis
Computer Communications 127, 105-121, 2018
A deniable and efficient question and answer service over ad hoc social networks
S Fleming, D Chalmers, I Wakeman
Information retrieval 15, 296-331, 2012
Meta data to support context aware mobile applications
D Chalmers, N Dulay, M Sloman
IEEE International Conference on Mobile Data Management, 2004. Proceedings …, 2004
Quality of Service in Mobile Environments
D Chalmers
Imperial College, London, 1998
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Articles 1–20