Aliaa A. A. youssif
Aliaa A. A. youssif
Professor, Arab Academy for Science, Technology and Maritime Transport (AASTMT)
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Cited by
Optic disc detection from normalized digital fundus images by means of a vessels' direction matched filter
AAHAR Youssif, AZ Ghalwash, AASAR Ghoneim
IEEE transactions on medical imaging 27 (1), 11-18, 2007
Sentiment analysis for movies reviews dataset using deep learning models
NM Ali, MM Abd El Hamid, A Youssif
International Journal of Data Mining & Knowledge Management Process (IJDKP …, 2019
Comparative study of contrast enhancement and illumination equalization methods for retinal vasculature segmentation
AAA Youssif, AZ Ghalwash, AS Ghoneim
Cairo international biomedical engineering conference, 1-5, 2006
Automatic facial expression recognition system based on geometric and appearance features
AAA Youssif, WAA Asker
Computer and Information Science 4 (2), 115, 2011
Arabic sign language (arsl) recognition system using hmm
AAA Youssif, AE Aboutabl, HH Ali
International Journal of Advanced Computer Science and Applications 2 (11), 2011
A comparative evaluation of preprocessing methods for automatic detection of retinal anatomy
AAA Youssif, AZ Ghalwash, AS Ghoneim
Proceedings of the fifth international conference on informatics and systems …, 2007
Energy aware and adapative cross layer scheme for video transmission over wireless sensor networks
AA Youssif, AZ Ghalwash
IEEE Sensors Journal 16 (21), 7792-7802, 2016
Spontaneous facial expression recognition based on histogram of oriented gradients descriptor.
MMF Donia, AAA Youssif, A Hashad
Comput. Inf. Sci. 7 (3), 31-37, 2014
Depth-based human activity recognition: A comparative perspective study on feature extraction
HH Ali, HM Moftah, AAA Youssif
Future Computing and Informatics Journal 3 (1), 51-67, 2018
Medical image denoising system based on stacked convolutional autoencoder for enhancing 2-dimensional gel electrophoresis noise reduction
AS Ahmed, WH El-Behaidy, AAA Youssif
Biomedical Signal Processing and Control 69, 102842, 2021
“Adaptive Algorithm for Image Denoising Based on Curvelet Threshold”
AAA Youssif, Darwish and AMM Madbouly
IJCSNS International Journal of Computer Science and Network Security 10 (1), 2010
MRI brain image segmentation based on wavelet and FCM algorithm
I Khalifa, A Youssif, H Youssry
International Journal of Computer Applications 47 (16), 2012
E-assessment tool: A course assessment tool integrated into knowledge assessment
AM Rashad, AAA Youssif, RA Abdel-Ghafar, AE Labib
Innovative techniques in instruction technology, e-learning, e-assessment …, 2008
A robust copy-move forgery detection in digital image forensics using SURF
A Badr, A Youssif, M Wafi
2020 8th International Symposium on Digital Forensics and Security (ISDFS), 1-6, 2020
Introducing adaptive artificial bee colony algorithm and using it in solving traveling salesman problem
A Rekaby, AA Youssif, AS Eldin
2013 Science and Information Conference, 502-506, 2013
ACWSN: an adaptive cross layer framework for video transmission over wireless sensor networks
AAA Youssif, AZ Ghalwash, MEED Abd El Kader
Wireless Networks 21, 2693-2710, 2015
Content based medical image retrieval based on pyramid structure wavelet
AA Youssif, AA Darwish, RA Mohamed
Int J Comput Sci Netw Secur 10 (3), 157-164, 2010
Automatic segmentation of optic disc in eye fundus images: a survey
A Allam, A Youssif, A Ghalwash
ELCVIA: electronic letters on computer vision and image analysis 14 (1), 1-20, 2015
Fingerprint recognition system using hybrid matching techniques
AAA Youssif, MU Chowdhury, S Ray, HY Nafaa
6th IEEE/ACIS International Conference on Computer and Information Science …, 2007
Kpe: an automatic keyphrase extraction algorithm
AA Youssif, AZ Ghalwash, E Amer
IEEE proceeding of international conference on information systems and …, 2011
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Articles 1–20