Ali Eshaghian Dorche
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Cited by
Dielectric metasurfaces solve differential and integro-differential equations
S Abdollahramezani, A Chizari, AE Dorche, MV Jamali, JA Salehi
Optics letters 42 (7), 1197-1200, 2017
ITO-based microheaters for reversible multi-stage switching of phase-change materials: towards miniaturized beyond-binary reconfigurable integrated photonics
H Taghinejad, S Abdollahramezani, AA Eftekhar, T Fan, AH Hosseinnia, ...
arXiv preprint arXiv:2003.04097, 2020
Broadband, Polarization-insensitive and Wide-angle Optical Absorber based on Fractal Plasmonics
AE Dorche, S AbdollahRamezani, A Chizari, A Khavasi
IEEE Photonics Technology Letters, 1 - 1, 2016
Analysis and design of optical demultiplexer based on arrayed plasmonic slot cavities: transmission line model
M Bahadori, A Eshaghian, H Hodaei, M Rezaei, K Mehrany
IEEE Photonics Technology Letters 25 (8), 784-786, 2013
Integrated photonics beyond communications
C Zhang, MA Tran, Z Zhang, AE Dorche, Y Shen, B Shen, K Asawa, G Kim, ...
Applied Physics Letters 123 (23), 2023
Extending chip-based Kerr-comb to visible spectrum by dispersive wave engineering
AE Dorche, S Abdollahramezani, H Taheri, AA Eftekhar, A Adibi
arXiv preprint arXiv:1705.10848, 2017
A circuit model for analysis of metal–insulator–metal plasmonic complementary split-ring resonators
M Bahadori, A Eshaghian, K Mehrany
Journal of lightwave technology 32 (15), 2659-2665, 2014
High Quality factor micro-ring resonator for strong atom-light interactions using miniature atomic beams
AE Dorche, B Wei, C Raman, A Adibi
arXiv preprint arXiv:2008.00541, 2020
Advanced dispersion engineering of a III-Nitride micro-resonator for a blue/UV frequency comb
AE Dorche, D Timucin, K Thyagarajan, T Wunderer, N Johnson, ...
arXiv preprint arXiv:2006.07391, 2020
Phase-matched nonlinear second-harmonic generation in plasmonic metasurfaces
SH Shams Mousavi, R Lemasters, F Wang, AE Dorche, H Taheri, ...
Nanophotonics 8 (4), 607-612, 2019
Easy-to-design coupler between metal–insulator–metal plasmonic and dielectric slab waveguides
H Hodaei, M Rezaei, M Miri, M Bahadori, A Eshaghian, K Mehrany
Plasmonics 8 (2), 1123-1128, 2013
Heterogeneously Integrated Near-Infrared DFB Laser on Tantalum Pentoxide
AE Dorche, N Nader, EJ Stanton, SW Nam, RP Mirin
Optical Fiber Communication Conference, Tu3C. 6, 2023
Heterogeneously Integrated InGaAs DFB Laser on Tantalum Pentoxide
AE Dorche, N Nader, EJ Stanton, SW Nam, RP Mirin
CLEO: Science and Innovations, SM2J. 5, 2023
Multi-conductor transmission line networks in analysis of side-coupled metal–insulator–metal plasmonic structures
A Eshaghian, M Bahadori, M Rezaei, A Khavasi, H Hodaei, K Mehrany
Optics Communications 313, 375-381, 2014
High-quality factor tantalum pentoxide microring resonator mirror at 780 nm
AE Dorche, N Nader, EJ Stanton, SW Nam, RP Mirin
2022 Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics (CLEO), 1-2, 2022
Wideband bright-soliton frequency-comb generation at optical telecommunication wavelength in a thin silicon nitride film
AE Dorche, AH Hosseinnia, AA Eftekhar, A Adibi
Journal of Nanophotonics 12 (4), 046008-046008, 2018
Coupled transmission line model for planar metal-dielectric-metal plasmonic structures: inclusion of the first non-principal mode
M Bahadori, A Eshaghian, M Rezaei, H Hodaei, K Mehrany
IEEE Journal of Quantum Electronics 49 (9), 777-784, 2013
Kerr-comb generation in a dispersion engineered coupled thin silicon nitride microresonators
AE Dorche, AA Eftekhar, A Adibi
CLEO: Applications and Technology, JTu2A. 85, 2018
Wideband Kerr-comb near visible spectrum in coupling-engineered thin Silicon nitride resonators
AE Dorche, AA Eftekhar, A Adibi
2018 Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics (CLEO), 1-2, 2018
Transmission enhancement of sharply bent plasmonic slot waveguides
A Eshaghian, H Hodaei, M Bahadori, M Rezaei, K Mehrany
JOSA B 31 (3), 458-463, 2014
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Articles 1–20