Michael Sulkowski
Cited by
Cited by
Differences between peer victimization in cyber and physical settings and associated psychosocial adjustment in early adolescence
AG Dempsey, ML Sulkowski, R Nichols, EA Storch
Psychology in the Schools 46 (10), 962-972, 2009
Teachers’ responses to bullying incidents: Effects of teacher characteristics and contexts
J Yoon, ML Sulkowski, SA Bauman
Journal of school violence 15 (1), 91-113, 2016
Has cyber technology produced a new group of peer aggressors?
AG Dempsey, ML Sulkowski, J Dempsey, EA Storch
Cyberpsychology, behavior, and social networking 14 (5), 297-302, 2011
The phenomenology and clinical correlates of suicidal thoughts and behaviors in youth with autism spectrum disorders
EA Storch, ML Sulkowski, J Nadeau, AB Lewin, EB Arnold, PJ Mutch, ...
Journal of autism and developmental disorders 43, 2450-2459, 2013
Effects of stress and coping on binge eating in female college students
ML Sulkowski, J Dempsey, AG Dempsey
Eating behaviors 12 (3), 188-191, 2011
Rage attacks in pediatric obsessive-compulsive disorder: phenomenology and clinical correlates
EA Storch, AM Jones, CW Lack, CM Ale, ML Sulkowski, AB Lewin, ...
Journal of the American Academy of Child & Adolescent Psychiatry 51 (6), 582-592, 2012
The protective role of teacher–student relationships against peer victimization and psychosocial distress
ML Sulkowski, J Simmons
Psychology in the Schools 55 (2), 137-150, 2018
An investigation of students' willingness to report threats of violence in campus communities.
ML Sulkowski
Psychology of violence 1 (1), 53, 2011
Treatment of comorbid anxiety and autism spectrum disorders
J Nadeau, ML Sulkowski, D Ung, JJ Wood, AB Lewin, TK Murphy, JE May, ...
Neuropsychiatry 1 (6), 567, 2011
Meeting the mental health needs of homeless students in schools: A multi-tiered system of support framework
ML Sulkowski, K Michael
Children and Youth Services Review 44, 145-151, 2014
Contemporary responses to violent attacks on college campuses
ML Sulkowski, PJ Lazarus
Journal of School Violence 10 (4), 338-354, 2011
Peer victimization in youth from immigrant and non-immigrant US families
ML Sulkowski, S Bauman, S Wright, C Nixon, S Davis
School psychology international 35 (6), 649-669, 2014
Treating childhood anxiety in schools: Service delivery in a response to intervention paradigm
ML Sulkowski, DK Joyce, EA Storch
Journal of Child and Family Studies 21, 938-947, 2012
Connecting Students to Schools to Support Their Emotional Well-Being and Academic Success.
ML Sulkowski, MK Demary, PJ Lazarus
Communique 40 (7), 1-20, 2012
Racially-focused peer victimization: Prevalence, psychosocial impacts, and the influence of coping strategies.
JJ Mendez, S Bauman, ML Sulkowski, S Davis, C Nixon
Psychology of violence 6 (1), 103, 2016
Cognitive behavioral therapy in K-12 school settings: A practitioner's toolkit
D Joyce-Beaulieu, ML Sulkowski
Springer Publishing Company, 2015
School-based service delivery for homeless students: Relevant laws and overcoming access barriers.
ML Sulkowski, DK Joyce-Beaulieu
American Journal of Orthopsychiatry 84 (6), 711, 2014
An alternative to fortified schools: Using crime prevention through environmental design (CPTED) to balance student safety and psychological well‐being
D Lamoreaux, ML Sulkowski
Psychology in the Schools 57 (1), 152-165, 2020
Obsessive-compulsive spectrum disorder symptoms in college students
ML Sulkowski, A Mariaskin, EA Storch
Journal of American College Health 59 (5), 342-348, 2011
History and future of school safety research
DG Cornell, MJ Mayer, ML Sulkowski
School psychology review 50 (2-3), 143-157, 2020
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