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An efficient bandit algorithm for realtime multivariate optimization
DN Hill, H Nassif, Y Liu, A Iyer, SVN Vishwanathan
Proceedings of the 23rd ACM SIGKDD International Conference on Knowledge …, 2017
Using machine learning to analyze air traffic management actions: Ground delay program case study
Y Liu, Y Liu, M Hansen, A Pozdnukhov, D Zhang
Transportation Research Part E: Logistics and Transportation Review 131, 80-95, 2019
Effects of extraordinary snowfall on traffic safety
J Seeherman, Y Liu
Accident Analysis & Prevention 81, 194-203, 2015
Latent air travel preferences: Understanding the role of frequent flyer programs on itinerary choice
M Seelhorst, Y Liu
Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice 80, 49-61, 2015
Bayesian approach for three-dimensional aquifer characterization at the Hanford 300 Area
H Murakami, X Chen, MS Hahn, Y Liu, ML Rockhold, VR Vermeul, ...
Hydrology and Earth System Sciences 14 (10), 1989-2001, 2010
Assessment of flood risks in Pearl River Delta due to levee breaching
LM Zhang, Y Xu, Y Liu, M Peng
Georisk: Assessment and Management of Risk for Engineered Systems and …, 2013
Airline competition and market frequency: A comparison of the s-curve and schedule delay models
M Hansen, Y Liu
Transportation Research Part B: Methodological 78, 301-317, 2015
Predictability impacts of airport surface automation
Y Liu, M Hansen, G Gupta, W Malik, Y Jung
Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies 44, 128-145, 2014
Identifying similar days for air traffic management
S Gorripaty, Y Liu, M Hansen, A Pozdnukhov
Journal of Air Transport Management 65, 144-155, 2017
Ground Delay Program decision-making using multiple criteria: A single airport case
Y Liu, M Hansen
USA/Europe Air Traffic Management Research & Development Seminar, Chicago, IL, 2013
Evaluation of the performance of ground delay programs
Y Liu, M Hansen
Transportation Research Record 2400 (1), 54-64, 2014
A low-complexity receive-antenna-selection algorithm for MIMO–OFDM wireless systems
Y Liu, Y Zhang, C Ji, WQ Malik, DJ Edwards
IEEE Transactions on vehicular technology 58 (6), 2793-2802, 2008
Incorporating predictability into cost optimization for ground delay programs
Y Liu, M Hansen
Transportation Science 50 (1), 132-149, 2016
Aircraft gauge differences between the US and Europe and their operational implications
Y Liu, M Hansen, B Zou
Journal of Air Transport Management 29, 1-10, 2013
LORE: a large-scale offer recommendation engine with eligibility and capacity constraints
R Makhijani, S Chakrabarti, D Struble, Y Liu
Proceedings of the 13th ACM Conference on Recommender Systems, 160-168, 2019
Assessing terminal weather forecast similarity for strategic air traffic management
Y Liu, M Seelhorst, A Pozdnukhov, M Hansen, MO Ball
International Conference on Research in Air Transportation, 2014
A Map of Bandits for E-commerce
Y Liu, L Li
2021 KDD, 2021
Service Level Expectation Setting for Air Traffic Flow Management: Practical Challenges and Benefits Assessment
M Ball, P Swaroop, C Barnhart, C Yan, M Hansen, L Kang, Y Liu, V Vaze
ATM Seminar, 2017
Distributed mechanisms for determining NAS-wide service level expectations
MO Ball, C Barnhart, M Hansen, L Kang, Y Liu, P Swaroop, V Vaze, C Yan
Tech. rep., NEXTOR II, 2014
Physical modeling of air-sparging technique for groundwater remediation
HU Liming, LIU Yi
Chinese Journal of Geotechnical Engineering 30 (6), 835-839, 2008
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