Felipe Denardin Costa
Felipe Denardin Costa
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Contrasting structures between the decoupled and coupled states of the stable boundary layer
OC Acevedo, L Mahrt, FS Puhales, FD Costa, LE Medeiros, GA Degrazia
Quarterly Journal of the Royal Meteorological Society 142 (695), 693-702, 2016
The influence of submeso processes on stable boundary layer similarity relationships
OC Acevedo, FD Costa, PES Oliveira, FS Puhales, GA Degrazia, ...
Journal of the Atmospheric Sciences 71 (1), 207-225, 2014
A simplified model for intermittent turbulence in the nocturnal boundary layer
FD Costa, OC Acevedo, JCM Mombach, GA Degrazia
Journal of the Atmospheric Sciences 68 (8), 1714-1729, 2011
The coupling state of an idealized stable boundary layer
OC Acevedo, FD Costa, GA Degrazia
Boundary-layer meteorology 145, 211-228, 2012
Horizontal meandering as a distinctive feature of the stable boundary layer
L Mortarini, D Cava, U Giostra, FD Costa, G Degrazia, D Anfossi, ...
Journal of the Atmospheric Sciences 76 (10), 3029-3046, 2019
The nocturnal boundary layer transition from weakly to very stable. Part I: Observations
OC Acevedo, R Maroneze, FD Costa, FS Puhales, GA Degrazia, ...
Quarterly Journal of the Royal Meteorological Society 145 (725), 3577-3592, 2019
Estimates of turbulent kinetic energy dissipation rate for a stratified flow in a wind tunnel
FS Puhales, G Demarco, LGN Martins, OC Acevedo, GA Degrazia, ...
Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications 431, 175-187, 2015
Evaluation of nocturnal temperature forecasts provided by the weather research and forecast model for different stability regimes and terrain characteristics
A Battisti, OC Acevedo, FD Costa, FS Puhales, V Anabor, GA Degrazia
Boundary-Layer Meteorology 162, 523-546, 2017
Comparação entre os dados de vento das reanálises meteorológicas ERA-Interim e CFSR com os dados das estações automáticas do INMET no Rio Grande do Sul
E Stüker, CH Schuster, JJ Schuster, DC Santos, LE Medeiros, FD Costa, ...
Ciência e Natura 38, 284-290, 2016
External controls on the transition between stable boundary‐layer turbulence regimes
OC Acevedo, FD Costa, R Maroneze, AD Carvalho, FS Puhales, ...
Quarterly Journal of the Royal Meteorological Society 147 (737), 2335-2351, 2021
Simulating the regime transition of the stable boundary layer using different simplified models
R Maroneze, OC Acevedo, FD Costa, J Sun
Boundary-Layer Meteorology 170, 305-321, 2019
Stable boundary layer regimes in single-column models
FD Costa, OC Acevedo, LE Medeiros, R Maroneze, FS Puhales, ...
Journal of the Atmospheric Sciences 77 (6), 2039-2054, 2020
How is the two-regime stable boundary layer reproduced by the different turbulence parametrizations in the weather research and forecasting model?
R Maroneze, OC Acevedo, FD Costa, FS Puhales, V Anabor, DN Lemes, ...
Boundary-Layer Meteorology 178, 383-413, 2021
The nocturnal boundary layer transition from weakly to very stable. Part II: Numerical simulation with a second‐order model
R Maroneze, OC Acevedo, FD Costa, FS Puhales, G Demarco, L Mortarini
Quarterly Journal of the Royal Meteorological Society 145 (725), 3593-3608, 2019
Low-level atmospheric flow at the central north coast of Brazil
LE Medeiros, G Fisch, OC Acevedo, FD Costa, PG Iriart, V Anabor, ...
Boundary-Layer Meteorology 180 (2), 289-317, 2021
Turbulence regimes in the nocturnal roughness sublayer: Interaction with deep convection and tree mortality in the Amazon
ACS Mendonça, CQ Dias-Júnior, OC Acevedo, RA Santana, FD Costa, ...
Agricultural and Forest Meteorology 339, 109526, 2023
Analysis of thermal and roughness effects on the turbulent characteristics of experimentally simulated boundary layers in a wind tunnel
G Demarco, LGN Martins, BEJ Bodmann, FS Puhales, OC Acevedo, ...
International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 19 (9), 5134, 2022
Employing the Hilbert–Huang Transform to analyze observed natural complex signals: Calm wind meandering cases
LGN Martins, MB Stefanello, GA Degrazia, OC Acevedo, FS Puhales, ...
Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications 462, 1189-1196, 2016
A New Stable Boundary Layer Parameterization for Numerical Weather Prediction Models: A Heat Flux Budget Approach
R Maroneze, FD Costa, OC Acevedo, LE Medeiros, FS Puhales, V Anabor, ...
Boundary-Layer Meteorology 188 (2), 209-228, 2023
Comparison of mixing length formulations in a single-column model simulation for a very stable site
M Schmengler, FD Costa, OC Acevedo, FS Puhales, G Demarco, ...
Amer. J. Environ. Eng 5, 106-118, 2015
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Articles 1–20