Paul Patras
Paul Patras
Net AI / The University of Edinburgh
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Cited by
Deep Learning in Mobile and Wireless Networking: A Survey
C Zhang, P Patras, H Haddadi
IEEE Communications Surveys and Tutorials, 2019
Long-Term Mobile Traffic Forecasting Using Deep Spatio-Temporal Neural Networks
C Zhang, P Patras
Proceedings of the Eighteenth ACM International Symposium on Mobile Ad Hoc …, 2018
Optimal configuration of 802.11 e EDCA for real-time and data traffic
P Serrano, A Banchs, P Patras, A Azcorra
IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology 59 (5), 2511-2528, 2010
Dead on Arrival: An Empirical Study of The Bluetooth 5.1 Positioning System
M Cominelli, P Patras, F Gringoli
Adversarial attacks against deep learning-based network intrusion detection systems and defense mechanisms
C Zhang, X Costa-Perez, P Patras
IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking 30 (3), 1294-1311, 2022
ZipNet-GAN: Inferring Fine-grained Mobile Traffic Patterns via a Generative Adversarial Neural Network
C Zhang, X Ouyang, P Patras
ACM CoNEXT, 2017
Anatomy of a vulnerable fitness tracking system: Dissecting the fitbit cloud, app, and firmware
J Classen, D Wegemer, P Patras, T Spink, M Hollick
Proceedings of the ACM on Interactive, Mobile, Wearable and Ubiquitous …, 2018
Greening wireless communications: Status and future directions
P Serrano, A De La Oliva, P Patras, V Mancuso, A Banchs
Computer Communications 35 (14), 1651-1661, 2012
Driver behavior recognition via interwoven deep convolutional neural nets with multi-stream inputs
C Zhang, R Li, W Kim, D Yoon, P Patras
IEEE Access 8, 191138-191151, 2020
Tiki-Taka: Attacking and Defending Deep Learning-based Intrusion Detection Systems
C Zhang, X Costa-Pérez, P Patras
Proceedings of the 2020 ACM SIGSAC Conference on Cloud Computing Security …, 2020
Performance Assessment of Open Software Platforms for 5G Prototyping
F Gringoli, P Patras, C Donato, P Serrano, Y Grunenberger
IEEE Wireless Communications Magazine, 2018
Breaking Fitness Records without Moving: Reverse Engineering and Spoofing Fitbit
H Fereidooni, J Classen, T Spink, P Patras, M Miettinen, AR Sadeghi, ...
International Symposium on Research in Attacks, Intrusions and Defenses (RAID), 2017
A control-theoretic approach to distributed optimal configuration of 802.11 WLANs
P Patras, A Banchs, P Serrano, A Azcorra
IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing 10 (6), 897-910, 2011
Adaptive Clustering-based Malicious Traffic Classification at the Network Edge
AF Diallo, P Patras
IEEE International Conference on Computer Communications (INFOCOM), 2021
A control theoretic approach for throughput optimization in IEEE 802.11 e EDCA WLANs
P Patras, A Banchs, P Serrano
Mobile Networks and Applications 14 (6), 697-708, 2009
Multi-Service Mobile Traffic Forecasting via Convolutional Long Short-Term Memories
C Zhang, M Fiore, P Patras
IEEE International Symposium on Measurements and Networking, 2019
Even Black Cats Cannot Stay Hidden in the Dark: Full-band De-anonymization of Bluetooth Classic Devices
M Cominelli, F Gringoli, M Lind, P Patras, G Noubir
IEEE Symposium on Security and Privacy (S&P), 1631-1645, 2020
A Machine-Learning-Based Framework for Optimizing the Operation of Future Networks
C Fiandrino, C Zhang, P Patras, A Banchs, J Widmer
IEEE Communications Magazine 58 (6), 20-25, 2020
Providing throughput and fairness guarantees in virtualized WLANs through control theory
A Banchs, P Serrano, P Patras, M Natkaniec
Mobile Networks and Applications 17, 435-446, 2012
CloudLSTM: A Recurrent Neural Model for Spatiotemporal Point-cloud Stream Forecasting
C Zhang, M Fiore, I Murray, P Patras
AAAI, 2021
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Articles 1–20