Dmytro Leshchenko
Dmytro Leshchenko
Head of the Department of Theoretical Mechanics, Professor. Odessa State Academy of Civil
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Cited by
Evolution of Motions of a Rigid Body About its Center of Mass
FL Chernousko, LD Akulenko, DD Leshchenko
Springer, 2017
Perturbed motions of a rigid body that are close to regular precession
LD Akulenko, DD Leshchenko, FL Chernousko
Mechanics of Solids, 1986
Эволюция движений твердого тела относительно центра масс
ЛДД Черноусько Ф. Л. , Акуленко Л. Д,
Москва- Ижевск, Институт компьютерных исследований, 2015
Быстрое движение вокруг неподвижной точки тяжелого твердого тела в сопротивляющейся среде
ЧФЛ Акуленко Л. Д. , Лещенко Д. Д.
Известия АН СССР. Механика твердого тела, 5-13, 1982
About influence of differential rotation in convection zone of gaseous or fluid giant planet (Uranus) onto the parameters of orbits of satellites
S Ershkov, D Leshchenko, EI Abouelmagd
The European Physical Journal Plus 136 (4), 1-9, 2021
The evolution of the motions of a rigid body close to the Lagrange case under the action of an unsteady torque
LD Akulenko, YS Zinkevich, TA Kozachenko, DD Leshchenko
Journal of Applied Mathematics and Mechanics 81 (2), 79-84, 2017
On a new type of solving procedure for Euler - Poisson equations ( rigid body rotation over a fixed point)
LDD Ershkov S. V..
Acta Mechanica 230 (3), 871-883, 2019
Perturbed motions of a rigid body, close to the Lagrange case: PMM vol. 43, no. 5, 1979, pp. 771–778
LD Akulenko, DD Leshchenko, FL Chernous' ko
Journal of Applied Mathematics and Mechanics 43 (5), 829-837, 1979
Solving procedure for 3D motions near libration points in CR3BP
LD Ershkov S. V.
Astrophysics and Space Research 364 (11), 2019
Rapid rotations of a satellite with a cavity filled with viscous fluid under the action of moments of gravity and light pressure forces
LD Akulenko, YS Zinkevich, DD Leshchenko, AL Rachinskaya
Cosmic Research 49, 440-451, 2011
On the dynamics OF NON-RIGID asteroid rotation
SV Ershkov, D Leshchenko
Acta Astronautica 161, 40-43, 2019
Problems of evolution of rotations of a rigid body under the action of perturbing moments
L Akulenko, D Leshchenko, T Kushpil, I Timoshenko
Multibody System Dynamics 6, 3-16, 2001
Evolution of Rotations of a Rigid Body under the action of Restoring and Control Moments
TAKDDL L. D. Akulenko
Proceedings of 5th International Conference on Multibody Systems , Nonlinear …, 2005
Evolution of the satellite fast rotation due to the gravitational torque in a dragging medium
LD Akulenko, DD Leshchenko, AL Rachinskaya
Mechanics of solids 43 (2), 173-184, 2008
Evolution of rotations of a satellite with cavity filled with viscous fluid
LDDRAL Akulenko L. D.
Mechanics of Solids, 126-139, 2007
Evolution of a heavy rigid body rotation under the action of unsteady restoring and perturbation torques
D Leshchenko, S Ershkov, T Kozachenko
Nonlinear Dynamics, 1-12, 2021
Exact solutions of the Oberbeck–Boussinesq equations for the description of shear thermal diffusion of Newtonian fluid flows
S Ershkov, N Burmasheva, DD Leshchenko, EY Prosviryakov
Symmetry 15 (9), 1730, 2023
Note on the trapped motion in ER3BP at the vicinity of barycenter
S Ershkov, D Leshchenko, A Rachinskaya
Archive of Applied Mechanics 91 (3), 997-1005, 2021
Эволюция быстрого вращения спутника под действием гравитационного момента в среде с сопротивлением
РАЛ Акуленко Л.Л. , Лещенко Д. Д.
Известия РАН. Механика твердого тела, 13-26, 2008
On the evolution of rigid-body rotations
DD Leshchenko
International Applied Mechanics 35 (1), 93-99, 1999
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Articles 1–20