Ekaterina Cherskikh (Екатерина Черских)
Ekaterina Cherskikh (Екатерина Черских)
Other namesЕкатерина Черских
St. Petersburg Federal Research Center of the Russian Academy of Sciences (SPC RAS)
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Cited by
Cited by
Concept of a synchronous rectifier for wireless power transfer system
K Krestovnikov, E Cherskikh, N Pavliuk
IEEE EUROCON 2019-18th International Conference on Smart Technologies, 1-5, 2019
Formation of modular structures with mobile autonomous reconfigurable system
N Pavliuk, A Saveliev, E Cherskikh, D Pykhov
Proceedings of 14th International Conference on Electromechanics and …, 2019
Mathematical model of a swarm robotic system with wireless bi-directional energy transfer
K Krestovnikov, E Cherskikh, A Ronzhin
Robotics: Industry 4.0 Issues & New Intelligent Control Paradigms, 13-23, 2020
Structure and Circuit Solution of a Bidirectional Wireless Power Transmission System in Applied Robotics.
K Krestovnikov, E Cherskikh, A Saveliev
Radioengineering 30 (1), 2021
Circuit schematics of a capacitive proximity sensor
N Pavliuk, E Cherskikh, N Pshchelko, A Shabanova
2019 1st International Conference on Control Systems, Mathematical Modelling …, 2019
Wireless power transmission system based on coreless coils for resource reallocation within robot group
K Krestovnikov, E Cherskikh, P Smirnov
International Conference on Interactive Collaborative Robotics, 193-203, 2019
Approach to choose of optimal number of turns in planar spiral coils for systems of wireless power transmission
K Krestovnikov, E Cherskikh, А Bykov
Elektronika ir Elektrotechnika 26 (6), 17-24, 2020
Combined capacitive pressure and proximity sensor for using in robotic systems
K Krestovnikov, E Cherskikh, E Zimuldinov
Proceedings of 15th International Conference on Electromechanics and …, 2020
Development of a circuit design for a capacitive pressure sensor, applied in walking robot foot
K Krestovnikov, A Saveliev, E Cherskikh
2020 IEEE 20th Mediterranean Electrotechnical Conference (MELECON), 243-247, 2020
Investigation of the influence of the length of the intermediate magnetic circuit on the characteristics of magnetic gripper for robotic complexes of the mining industry
KD Krestovnikov, EO Cherskikh, AI Saveliev
Записки Горного института 241, 46-52, 2020
Development of the structure and circuit solution of a bidirectional wireless energy transmission system for swarm robots
KD Krestovnikov, EO Cherskikh
SJEE 18 (2), 171-192, 2021
A conceptual model of sensor system ontology with an event-based information processing method
EO Cherskikh
Neuroscience and Behavioral Physiology 52 (8), 1310-1317, 2022
Survey on behavioral strategies of cyber-physical systems in case of loss of integrity
E Cherskikh, A Saveliev
Electromechanics and Robotics: Proceedings of 16th International Conference …, 2021
Анализ и классификация автономных робототехнических систем по параметру энергопотребления
ЕО Черских, АА Ерашов, АН Быков
Вестник ВГУ. Серия: Системный анализ и информационные технологии, 56-80, 2021
Анализ и классификация распределенных сенсорных систем коллаборативных робототехнических средств
ЕО Черских, АИ Савельев
Известия Кабардино-Балкарского научного центра РАН, 78-94, 2021
Схемотехнические и конструктивные решения для беспроводной системы передачи энергии на основе синхронного выпрямителя
КД Крестовников, ЕО Черских, АР Шабанова
Моделирование, оптимизация и информационные технологии 7 (4), 11-12, 2019
Algorithm for Placement of Wireless Network Devices for Wide Areas with Variable Soil Moisture
A Denisov, E Cherskikh
International Conference in Communications, Signal Processing, and Systems …, 2021
Повышение эффективности работы беспроводной системы передачи энергии за счет применения синхронного выпрямителя
КА Крестовников К., Черских Е., Шабанова А.
Датчики и Системы 10 (240), 38-42, 2019
Approach to the Dynamic Functioning of a Robotic Complex in Case of Failures and Restoration of Connected Functional Parts
E Cherskikh, A Saveliev
2022 International Russian Automation Conference (RusAutoCon), 677-682, 2022
Концептуальная модель онтологии сенсорной системы с событийным методом обработки информации
ЕО Черских
Сенсорные системы 36 (2), 124–135, 2021
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Articles 1–20