Soon-Jo Chung
Soon-Jo Chung
Bren Professor of Control and Dynamical Systems at Caltech; JPL Senior Research Scientist
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A survey on aerial swarm robotics
SJ Chung, AA Paranjape, P Dames, S Shen, V Kumar
IEEE Transactions on Robotics 34 (4), 837-855, 2018
Cooperative robot control and concurrent synchronization of Lagrangian systems
SJ Chung, JJE Slotine
IEEE transactions on Robotics 25 (3), 686-700, 2009
Model Predictive Control of Swarms of Spacecraft Using Sequential Convex Programming
D Morgan, SJ Chung, FY Hadaegh
Journal of Guidance, Control, and Dynamics 37 (6), 1725-1740, 2014
Neural lander: Stable drone landing control using learned dynamics
G Shi, X Shi, M O’Connell, R Yu, K Azizzadenesheli, A Anandkumar, ...
2019 international conference on robotics and automation (icra), 9784-9790, 2019
Application of Synchronization to Formation Flying Spacecraft: Lagrangian Approach
SJ Chung, U Ahsun, JJE Slotine
Journal of Guidance, Control, and Dynamics 32 (2), 512-526, 2009
Review of Formation Flying and Constellation Missions Using Nanosatellites
S Bandyopadhyay, R Foust, GP Subramanian, SJ Chung, FY Hadaegh
Journal of Spacecraft and Rockets, doi: 10.2514/1.A33291, 2016
A biomimetic robotic platform to study flight specializations of bats
A Ramezani, SJ Chung, S Hutchinson
Science Robotics 2 (3), eaal2505, 2017
Neural-fly enables rapid learning for agile flight in strong winds
M O’Connell, G Shi, X Shi, K Azizzadenesheli, A Anandkumar, Y Yue, ...
Science Robotics 7 (66), eabm6597, 2022
Swarm Assignment and Trajectory Optimization Using Variable-Swarm, Distributed Auction Assignment and Sequential Convex Programming
D Morgan, GP Subramanian, SJ Chung, FY Hadaegh
The International Journal of Robotics Research, 2016
PDE boundary control for flexible articulated wings on a robotic aircraft
A Paranjape, J Guan, SJ Chung, M Krstic
IEEE Transactions on Robotics 29 (3), 625-640, 2013
Swarm-Keeping Strategies for Spacecraft under J2 and Atmospheric Drag Perturbations
D Morgan, SJ Chung, L Blackmore, B Acikmese, D Bayard, FY Hadaegh
Journal of Guidance, Control, and Dynamics 35 (5), 1492-1506, 2012
CPG-based control of a turtle-like underwater vehicle
K Seo, SJ Chung, JJE Slotine
Autonomous Robots 28 (3), 247-269, 2010
CPG-based Control of a Turtle-like Underwater Vehicle
K Seo, SJ Chung, JJE Slotine
Robotics: Science and Systems, 127-134, 2009
Monocular vision SLAM for indoor aerial vehicles
K Celik, SJ Chung, M Clausman, AK Somani
IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems, 2009 …, 2009
Robotic Herding of a Flock of Birds Using an Unmanned Aerial Vehicle
AA Paranjape, SJ Chung, K Kim, DH Shim
IEEE Transactions on Robotics, 2018
On Development of 100-Gram-Class Spacecraft for Swarm Applications
FY Hadaegh, SJ Chung, HM Manohara
IEEE Systems Journal 10 (2), 673-684, 2016
Neurobiologically inspired control of engineered flapping flight
SJ Chung, M Dorothy
Journal of guidance, control, and dynamics 33 (2), 440-453, 2010
Neurobiologically inspired control of engineered flapping flight
SJ Chung, M Dorothy, JR Stoner
AIAA Infotech@ Aerospace Conference, Seattle, WA, AIAA 2009-1929, 2009
Contraction theory for nonlinear stability analysis and learning-based control: A tutorial overview
H Tsukamoto, SJ Chung, JJE Slotine
Annual Reviews in Control 52, 135-169, 2021
A bipedal walking robot that can fly, slackline, and skateboard
K Kim, P Spieler, ES Lupu, A Ramezani, SJ Chung
Science Robotics 6 (59), eabf8136, 2021
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Articles 1–20