Gamal Elsaeed
Gamal Elsaeed
Professor of Civil Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Shobra, Banha University
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Local scour at bridge abutments in cohesive soil
MM Abou-Seida, GH Elsaeed, TM Mostafa, EF Elzahry
Journal of Hydraulic Research 50 (2), 171-180, 2012
Effects of Climate Change on Egypt’s Water Supply
G Elsaeed
Proceedings of the NATO Advanced Research Workshop on climate Change, Human …, 2011
Effect of end step shape in the performance of stilling basins downstream radial gates
GH Elsaeed, AM Ali, NB Abdelmageed, AM Ibrahim
Journal of Scientific Research & Reports 9 (1), 1-9, 2016
The Effect of Pile Group Arrangements on Local Scour Using Numerical Models
AW Abdeldayem, GH Elsaeed, AA Ghareeb
Advances in Natural and Applied Sciences 5 (2), 141-146, 2011
Experimental investigation of abutment scour in sandy soil
MM Abou-Seida, GH Elsaeed, TMS Mostafa, EFM Elzahry
Journal of Applied Sciences Research 5 (1), 57-65, 2009
Validating SSIIM 3-D numerical model to calculate local scour around bridge piers
GH Elsaeed
International journal of academic research 3 (3), 501-505, 2011
The Hydraulic Performance of Oriented Spur Dike Implementation in Open Channel
K Attia, G Elsaeed
The Tenth International Conference for Water Technology, 2006
Sedimentation analysis and prediction for Aswan High Dam reservoir
GH Elsaeed, MS Aziz, WM Ziada
J Sci Eng Res 3 (4), 302-312, 2016
Implementation of Spur Dikes to Reduce Bank Erosion of Temporary Diversion Channels During Barrages Construction
A Talaat, K Attia, G Elsaeed, M Ibraheem
Australian Journal of Basic and Applied Sciences 3 (4), 3190-3205, 2009
Groundwater Flow Modelling in A Nubian Sandstone Aquifer
A Hassan, G Elsaeed, M Nagaty, E Abdelghani
South Western Desert, Egypt, 2015
The impact of dredging on coastal environments
GH Elsaeed
Australian Journal of Basic and Applied Sciences 5 (2), 74-81, 2011
Investigating the improvement of water circulation of the Egyptian northern lakes, case study (Al-Manzala Lake)
G Elsaeed, AN El-Hazek, M Bahgat, NF Fathallah
International Journal of Applied Science and Research, India 3, 85-94, 2020
Bridge pier scour evaluation in meandering channels
G Elsaeed, H Elsersawy, M Ibraheem, F Samir
J Int Assoc Adv Technol Sci 16 (9), 1-12, 2015
Evaluation of alternatives for lowering the groundwater table in a village in upper Egypt affected by the construction of the New Naga Hammadi barrage
NBAE Mageed, ASE Ansary, AM Ghanem, GH Elsaeed
Environmental geology 57, 195-202, 2009
Confined aquifer piezometric head depletion in the dynamic state
GH El Saeed, NB Abdelmageed, P Riad, M Komy
JOKULL J 69, 56-67, 2019
The morphological changes along the Northern coast of the Nile delta
JB Herbich, AF Elfiky, GH Elsaeed
Coastal Engineering 1998, 2264-2268, 1999
Influence of using floor jets on the local scour downstream Fayoum type weir
G Elsaeed, AM Ali, AN El-Hazek, AMM Ibraheem
Asian Journal of Engineering and Technology (ISSN: 2321–2462) 8 (01), 2020
Impact of bed material on the local scour downstream Fayoum type weir with various designs of floor jets
G Elsaeed, AM Ali, AN El-Hazek, AMM Ibraheem
Asian Journal of Engineering and Technology (ISSN: 2321–2462) 8 (01), 2020
Effect of Cross Water Currents on Ships: The State of Art Review
GH Elsaeed
Australian Journal of Basic and Applied Sciences 7 (11), 238-246, 2013
Improved design for irrigation pipeline networks
GH Elsaeed, AEM Ali, EFA Elgani
Journal of Applied Sciences Research 7, 2127-2139, 2011
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Articles 1–20