Galal Nadim
Galal Nadim
Associate Professor. Electronic & communication, Fayoum University
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Clutter reduction and detection of landmine objects in ground penetrating radar data using singular value decomposition (SVD)
F Abujarad, G Nadim, A Omar
Proceedings of the 3rd International Workshop on Advanced Ground Penetrating …, 2005
Control of bandstop response of cascaded microstrip low-pass-bandstop filters using arrowhead slots in backside metallic ground plane
A Boutejdar, G Nadim, S Amari, AS Omar
2005 IEEE Antennas and Propagation Society International Symposium 1, 574-577, 2005
Improved circuit model for DGS based lowpass filter
A Boutejdar, AK Verma, G Nadim, AS Omar
IEEE Antennas and Propagation Society Symposium, 2004. 1, 998-1001, 2004
Wavelet packets for GPR detection of non-metallic anti-personnel land mines based on higher-order-statistic
F Abujarad, G Nadim, A Omar
Proc. 3rd Int. Work. Adv. Gr. Penetrating Radar, IWAGPR, 21-24, 2005
Clutter reduction and detection of landmine objects in ground penetrating radar data using likelihood method
G Nadim
2008 3rd International Symposium on Communications, Control and Signal …, 2008
Compact bandpass filter structure using an open stub quarter-wavelength microstrip line corrections
A Boutejdar, G Nadim, AS Omar
2005 European Microwave Conference 2, 3 pp.-1274, 2005
Combining wavelet packets with higher-order-statistic for GPR detection of non-metallic anti-personnel land mines
F Abujarad, G Nadim, AS Omar
Image and Signal Processing for Remote Sensing XI 5982, 380-390, 2005
A proposed SP3T wideband RF MEMS switch
EKI Hamad, GE Nadim, AS Omar
IEEE Antennas and Propagation Society Symposium, 2004. 3, 2839-2842, 2004
Impedance matching improvement for a class of wideband antennas
GS Kirov, A Abdel-Rahman, G Nadim, AS Omar
IEEE Antennas and Propagation Magazine 46 (6), 98-101, 2004
A proposed π-structure RF MEMS switch for wide bandwidth and high isolation applications
EKI Hamad, GE Nadim, AS Omar
Journal of Applied Computational Electromagnetics, 2004
Wavelet packets denoising of RF pulses based on higher-order-statistic thresholding
OAM ALY, G Nadim, AS Omar
IWSSIP'04: international workshop on systems, signals and image processing …, 2004
Detection and Localization of RF Radar Pulses in Severe Noisy Environment Using Wavelet Packets Transform Combined with Higher-Order-Statistics Thresholding Technique
GE Nadim
Review of Dielectric Permittivity Measurement Techniques
AH Abdelgwad, GE Nadim, TM Said, AM Gody
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Articles 1–13